Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

In the news:


We'll see fall-out from this situation in Libya, and it is somewhat predictable for a prophecy watcher. Libya will be part of the "Gog-MaGog" coalition that invades Israel, and watching their takeover by radical Islam should be expected and anticipated.

First of all, the fighting continues as this situation is far from being over (however it is just a matter or time with NATO supporting the "rebels")

Gaddafi calls Tripoli compound retreat 'tactical'

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has vowed 'martyrdom or victory' in his fight against aggression, according to Libyan media reports. Gaddafi called his withdrawal from the Bab al-Aziziya compound a "tactical move" hours after it was seized by rebel fighters.

Have we fallen for rebel propaganda in Libya?

Rebels and forces loyal to the Libyan leader waged fierce street battles Tuesday, the Associated Press reported, a day after opposition fighters swept into the capital with relative ease and claimed to have most of it under their control.

A NATO spokesman said what is left of Col. Gadhafi's forces has shown "no sign of giving up their aggressive actions."

"The tensions are far from being over. The situation is dynamic and complex," said Col. Roland Lavoie.

It should also be pointed out that Gaddafi has forces loyal to him fighting other battles in towns and cities across western Libya. They appear to be holding their own and show no signs of giving up.

The following commentary hits to the heart of matters and should be read by all:

NATO Brings Chaos And Terror To Libya

The great hoax pushed by NATO and the corporate-state media is that Libya has fallen, the rebels took control of Tripoli, Gaddafi is on the ropes, and the country is now free. But this is not true. The situation on the ground is more complicated and complex. This narrative of events may satisfy your inner hatred of dictators, but it is false for so many reasons.

One, the war for Tripoli and Libya has just begun. Tripoli is not under the control of NATO. The rebels, who consist of al-Qaeda fighters and other anti-freedom crusaders, were only able to advance because NATO bombed strategic sites ahead of them. Special forces from England and other NATO countries also assisted in the effort by unleashing a campaign of terror and chaos.

Two, Gaddafi won't quit until he is dead. And even then the people of Libya won't just hand over their country to a government consisting of people they believe to be traitorous rats that have brought in the old colonial wolves back into the Libyan jungle under the disguise of fighting a revolution for freedom and justice. Gaddafi is a native lion, a brutal one, but he comes from the roots of Libya.

And three, Libya is not free. It is being submerged from all sides by foreign mercenaries and neo-colonial governments. The country will be looted, destroyed and raped by thieves inside and outside Libya. Western oil companies and private contractors are already drawing up plans.

If the rebels had a real popular movement on their hands they wouldn't have to go begging to NATO for help from the air and seas. The Libyan people would've joined them in their fight against tyranny and oppression. But this fight was never started by the "rebels." It was an overseas operation from the start. This is an astroturf version of the Arab Spring.

West anxious over Libya's chemical weapons cashes

As the world watches deposed Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's forces take their last stand in Tripoli, western intelligence officials are trying to follow the trail of Libya's chemical weapons arsenal, and especially its mustard gas caches.

Most of Libya's chemical weapons are held at a facility located in Rabta, south of Tripoli. Western analysts believe that the country's WMD (weapons of mass destruction) arsenal alone contains some 10 tons of various chemical agents which can inflict grave damage. It is also believed that Gaddafi was in possession of Scud-B missiles, over 1,000 tons of uranium powder and mass quantities of conventional weapons.

And now we'll see these weapons in the hands of terrorists. Another dose of reality:

Why this is the moment Libya's Islamic extremists have prayed for

...we have been here twice before in the Middle East in recent months. First, when Tunisia’s strongman, Zine El-Abidene Ben Ali, fled Tunis, and then when Egypt’s dictator Hosni Mubarak vacated the presidential palace in Cairo.

Seven months on, both countries are as authoritarian as ever. The Islamists have hijacked the popular uprisings there. And little evidence of a popular thirst for democracy can be found.

'Material to make nuclear dirty bomb remains in Libya'

Tajoura continues to stock large quantities of radioisotopes, radioactive waste and low-enriched uranium fuel after three decades of nuclear research and radioisotope production, he said.

"While we can be thankful that the highly enriched uranium stocks are no longer in Libya, the remaining material in Tajoura could, if it ended up in the wrong hands, be used as ingredients for dirty bombs. The situation at Tajoura today is unclear."

...a "dirty bomb", where conventional explosives are used to disperse radiation from a radioactive source, is a "high probability, low consequence act" with more potential to terrorise than cause large loss of life.


'Egyptians took part in attack'

IDF investigation shows at least three of the terrorists that perpetrated attack near Eilat were Egyptians; clips show IDF did everything in its power to prevent Egyptian troops from getting hurt

The terrorists, who positioned themselves a few dozen meters from the Egyptian military post, launched an RPG rocket at one of the helicopters, and directed machine gun fire at it.

In addition, an examination of the bodies of the terrorists killed by the IDF clearly showed that at least three of them were Egyptian citizens. One was a member of a radical Egyptian group who was tried in the country.

The Egyptian terrorists joined Palestinian operatives from the Popular Resistance Committees and together they perpetrated the coordinated attacks. Israel also has further proof that joint Palestinian-Egyptian terror cells were in Sinai for weeks and were assisted by Bedouins in the region.

Rocket from Gaza Strip lands in Egypt; woman injured

As border tensions simmer, sources say incident marks first rocket from Strip to land on residential area rather than desert, "raising concern among the security forces."

A woman was injured by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip into the Egyptian town of Rafah on Wednesday, Egypt's state news agency MENA reported, as tension simmered in the region after a spate of cross-border violence.

If it weren't so sad and so serious, one would have to laugh at this next one:

Hamas' Definition of Ceasefire - Two Shell Attacks

Hamas continued to uphold its version of a new “ceasefire” Wednesday morning by firing two mortar shells at a Gaza Belt community.

One of the mortars exploded inside the Jewish town, but no injuries or damage was reported. The second shell hit an open area.

The IDF spotted and targeted the terrorists who launched the mortars almost immediately. “Hits were confirmed,” IDF spokesmen said, and one of the terrorists was killed. The mortar attacks were launched from two separate locations in northern Gaza.

The U.S.

Strong East Coast quake highly unusual: scientist

The initial earthquake, which registered a magnitude of 5.9 just before 2 p.m. EDT, was felt from the Carolinas to New England.

"One of this size is highly unusual," said Karen Fisher, a professor of seismology at Brown University and president-elect of the seismology section at the American Geophysical Union. "This is the largest earthquake by far that I am aware of occurring there in recent history."

David Oppenheimer, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, said aftershocks should be expected for months.

"You'll feel magnitude 3 earthquakes over great distances ... I would expect tens of magnitude 3s for earthquakes of this size," Oppenheimer said from Menlo Park, California.

Below is an interesting update from Dutch regarding the increase in quakes:

Global earthquake Threat Watch

FEMA: Entire East Coast should prepare for Hurricane Irene

The entire eastern coast of the United States should prepare for Irene, a large and dangerous hurricane churning northwestward over the tropical waters of the Caribbean, the nation's emergency chief warned Tuesday.

Irene is still forecast to become a Category 3 event, a major hurricane, by Wednesday night or Thursday, the center said.

Hurricane Projections


Japan is still experiencing the fall-out from their earthquakes:

Fukushima fallout said 30 times Hiroshima's

Video footage of Tatsuhiko Kodama's impassioned speech before a Diet committee in July went viral online recently, showing the medical expert's shocking revelation that the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant spewed some 30 times more radioactive materials than the fallout from the Hiroshima atomic bombing.

But his expression became grave when discussing the 20-km no-go zone in Fukushima, explaining that decontamination of such areas will take not years but decades.

Kodama said he can't give an estimate of how many people will suffer from cancer symptoms due to exposure to radiation, or how long it will take for signs to surface.

The most difficult problem for the scientists trying to cope with the situation is that the Fukushima crisis is unprecedented.

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