Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Iran: Ready for War - Ahmadinejad's Rhetoric Escalates

Ahmadinejad just won't stop. His rhetoric almost sounds like a call for war at this point. One has to wonder what he has in mind as his proxies continue to pound Israel:

Ahmadinejad: Palestinian statehood only 'first step'

Of course we prophecy watchers knew this anyway, but for Ahmadinejad to publicly announce this represents a huge escalation beyond the usual inflammatory rhetoric. Is he making a public call for war?

The creation of a universally-recognized Palestinian state would be just a first step towards wiping out Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday.

He spoke weeks ahead of a UN General Assembly in New York where the Arab League plans to seek full UN membership for a Palestinian state.

Didn't he get the memo? This is supposed to be a covert operation until it happens. But he is announcing it to the world. What will this do for the Palestinian "apologists" who have denied that this was the overall plan?

Ahmadinejad is confirming what prophecy watchers have said for years and years: The 'real' goal is the complete destruction of Israel. "PA Statehood" is simply a means to that end.

"Recognizing the Palestinian state is not the last goal. It is only one step forward towards liberating the whole of Palestine," Ahmadinejad told worshippers at Friday prayers on international Qods Day -- an annual show of support for the Palestinian cause.

"The Zionist regime is a center of microbes, a cancer cell and if it exists in one iota of Palestine it will mobilize again and hurt everyone."

"It is not enough for them to have a weak, powerless state in a very small piece of Palestine. They should unite to establish a state but the ultimate goal is the liberation of the whole of Palestine," he said.

Ahmadinejad: Israel is greatest threat in Mideast

Israel poses the greatest threat in the Middle East and regional states should take the necessary steps to contain it, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said late Monday as he met with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the Fars news agency reported.

Ahmadinejad called on neighboring countries to remain vigilant against foreign plotters and to prevent external meddling, according to the report.

He warned that "any move in line with the Zionist regime's goals and objectives means committing suicide."

More evidence that Iran is on the move:

Iran stirs up new conflict: Its Iraqi terrorist arm shoots Scuds at Kuwait

Three Scud missiles flying from Iraq to Kuwait early Friday, Aug. 26 were launched by the Iran-backed Ketaeb Hizballah of Iraq, the first such attacks since the US invaded Iraq in 2003. It was also the first time any Middle East terrorist group had used Scud missiles.

DEBKA-Net- Weekly's military and intelligence sources reported on Aug. 12: A threat from the Iraqi Shiite radical Ketaeb Hizballah, an arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Al-Qods Brigades, trained by the Lebanese Hizballah, to strike the new port with Scud missiles, a threat they started carrying out this Friday.

Until Friday, there was no confirmation of the group's claim to have recovered most of the inventory of 250 Scuds held by Saddam Hussein before the US invasion of 2003. But now, is clear to Kuwaiti and Western intelligence officials in the Gulf that the Scud cache has indeed fallen into the hands of the Ketaeb Hizballah of Iraq and that there is a real danger of Tehran using Iraqi Shiite extremists to sabotage the Boubiyan Island project.

And don't forget, Iran has tremendous influence on the recent events in Egypt, as they are backing the radical groups within the country in order to cause conflict with Israel - and that is exactly what we have been seeing:

Egyptian Parliament Want Eilat

Egypt has insisted it has a claim to the city of Eilat since it lost the city to the nascent state of Israel in the wake of the Egyptian army's defeat in Israel's 1948 War of Independence, but after the 1979 Camp David Accords the claim was officially dropped. Or so it seemed.

The control of trade routes has been a principle source of conflict in human history. The 1967 Six-Day War broke out after Egypt closed the straits of Tiran and strangled the trade from Israel's southern port city of Eliat.

In exploring the 'claim,' which has been hotly debated in Egypt's parliament this week, Abed el-Aziz Sayef a-Nasser, an aide to the Egyptian foreign minister, was called as an expert witness. A-Nasser is the director of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry's legal department.

"Eilat, or by its former name Umm Rashrash, belongs to the Palestinians," he said on behalf of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

His predecessor, Dr. Nabil el-Arabi, was the head of the Foreign Ministry's legal department and headed the delegation for negotiations at Taba. He also emphatically maintained: "Eilat belongs to the Palestinians."

So this much is clear (and there is much more in the article): Egypt wants Eilat and considers it theirs. What will they do to get it?

Despite Israel's 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, the Arab League's 1948 declaration of war to liquidate the state of Israel remains in force.

We have to always keep in mind the influence of Iran in the region, which has grown in leaps and bounds with the Muslim Brotherhood's evolving takeover. And below we see a stark reminder:

Egypt's 2001 revolution has brought a wave of radical anti-Israel sentiment to the country. Egypt has already sought to re-militarize the Sinai with tacit Israeli approval and the masses are demanding Israel's ambassador in Cairo be ejected from the country - a qualitative first step to the cessation of peaceful relations. The once touted Camp David Accords seem to have been cast into Cairo's dustbin

In terms of relations between Jerusalem and Cairo its increasingly looking like a return to the strategic reality of October 5, 1973.

In other words - we have another "pre-war" set-up in the region - a region that is just on the brink.

Also see:

Egypt Concerned Over Terror Threats to Suez Canal

The latest tensions in the Sinai Peninsula and the concerns over the growing presence of terrorist groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda are having an effect on Egyptian operations in the Suez Canal, it was reported Thursday.

Reportedly, the Egyptians’ main concern is that Al-Qaeda terrorists will try to attack a Western ship as it is crossing the Suez Canal.

...the Sinai Peninsula has been in a state of anarchy with terrorists, some of them affiliated with Al-Qaeda, having infiltrated the region.

Iran seems ready for war, as they have been rapidly ramping up the rhetoric and as their proxies continue to send a barrage of missiles into Israel. At the same time. they continue to stir unrest in and around Egypt, which is predictably directed against Israel.

Don't forget this important fact: Ahmadinejad sees himself as someone who has an important role to play in the world - as he feels it is his sole job on earth to precipitate the coming of the Islamic Mahdi. The only problem is this: the Mahdi will only show up when war is raging in the Middle East with Israel at the center of attention. Ahmadinejad knows that his time as Iranian president could be short so his window of opportunity may be closing.

It seems that he has been baiting Israel for years to attack Iran - which could be then be followed by Iran playing the victim and subsequently calling upon the arab states to gather to collectively and attack Israel.

With that plan not working, we should watch him closely. It seems that now he is using his proxies from Egypt and Gaza to provoke Israel.

Sooner or later, he will take more drastic measures - that is a guarantee.

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