Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Is The Number Of Earthquakes Increasing?

This was the title of an article today and represents yet another writing that looks like it came directly from the pages of biblical prophecy.

Keep in mind, it was only around 10 years ago that the total number of earthquakes recorded worldwide was close to 20,000/year. Now we are having over 30,000/year. That is a 10 year period. And this is not to mention the fact that earthquakes are very much part of the news. Back around 1980 the number was in the neighborhood of 10,000/year.

Most of us have already forgotten the epic quake and tsunami of just a few years ago, as the last couple of years have brought headline quakes in Haiti, Chile, and Japan just to name a few.

This generation, which we assume began in the WWI era has seen more quakes than any other generation - by far. It isn't even close.

That takes us to this article:

Is The Number Of Earthquakes Increasing? Why The 5.8 Virginia Earthquake Might Just Be A Preview of Things To Come

Is the number of earthquakes increasing? Are major earthquakes becoming more frequent? In the aftermath of the magnitude-5.8 earthquake in Virginia, a whole lot of people are asking those questions.

The truth is that this year we are on pace to have more than twice the number of major earthquakes than we did just 10 years ago.

Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and the magnitude-5.8 Virginia earthquake that we just witnessed might just be a preview of things to come.

The Virginia earthquake is already being called a "once a century" earthquake for the east coast. The earthquake was felt from Georgia all the way up to Ottawa, Canada.

But that was not the only major seismic event in the U.S. that day. A magnitude-5.3 earthquake rattled the area along the Colorado/New Mexico border. That was the largest earthquake that region had seen in more than 40 years.

If these were isolated incidents, that would be one thing. Unfortunately, major earthquakes are popping up all over the globe with alarming frequency. In fact, a magnitude-7.0 earthquake just struck northern Peru.

But what about the overall numbers?

Back in 2001, the world had 1361 earthquakes of magnitude-5.0 or greater. This year, we are on pace to have over 2800. In fact, the number of major earthquakes this year is going to be the highest number we have seen during this past decade by far.

Take a look at the chart (in the article) - with this preface below:

The following chart shows the number of earthquakes having a magnitude of 6.0 or greater since 1973. This chart comes from dlindquist.com, and it includes data for this year. As you can see, the number of magnitude-6.0 earthquakes for this year is "off the charts" because we are on pace for well over 200....

So after viewing these charts, how can anyone still deny that the number of major earthquakes is increasing?

But that is exactly what all of the "experts" on the mainstream news are going to keep on doing.

In the end, do your own research and find out for yourself. Don't let the television do your thinking for you.

Good advice. Just look at the numbers, they will tell the story.

There are all sorts of theories about why the planet seems to be becoming more unstable, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that this is not a good trend and that we should all be preparing for the worst.

So the next time an "expert" appears on television assuring you that earthquakes are not becoming more frequent and that you don't have anything to be concerned about, don't be so quick to believe that person.

The cold, hard reality of the matter is that the number of earthquakes is increasing and our planet is becoming increasingly unstable.

The funny thing is, Jesus didn't really emphasize the raw numbers of quakes (although there is a story regarding the increasing numbers). Like the other signs - these events would be noteworthy.

We are living in a generation in which earthquakes have become part of the narrative - and we are most definitely seeing an increase in frequency (total number of earthquakes per year) and in severity (frequency of 'strong' quakes).

Exactly as we would expect in this generation.

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