Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

"How To Deal With The Appeasers Of Genocide"

Typically I avoid the term "must see" or "must read" as far as a video clip or news article, but this video clip most definitely falls into the "must see" category and it is one that should be forwarded to as many people as possible.

This is the intro to the video:

This YouTube video of the British writer Douglas Murray at the Cambridge Union last March has suddenly gone viral. It's not surprising. It is a magnificent put-down of all those who dismiss the mortal threat posed by Iran's nuclear programme. Given the lethal and amoral idiocy of those who are currently indifferent to the genocidal threat posed by Iran to the State of Israel in particular, this is a must-see.

I urge you to view this brief video and forward it to as many people as possible. It speaks the truth, and the truth on this matter is rarely heard.

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