Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

In the news:

Things are definitely heating up on the Gaza border:

IDF Strikes Targets In Gaza After Rockets Hit South

Tensions continued to escalate in the South early Friday morning with the Israel Air Force making two separate forays into the Gaza Strip to bomb terror targets in response to the firing of Kassam rockets into Israeli communities.

At around 1 a.m., Israeli aircraft struck a terror cell attempting to fire rockets after two projectiles had already landed in open fields in the Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Councils.

On Saturday night, the Israel Air Force bombed a number of targets in the Strip in response to the firing of a number of Grad-model Katyusha rockets into Israel. One landed in Beersheba on Saturday. In another attack, an RPG was fired at an IDF patrol along the border with Gaza.

The continued rocket attacks have prompted some within the IDF's Southern Command to call for a large-scale operation to root out terror infrastructure within Gaza.

Air Force planes took out two terror targets in northern Gaza early on Friday morning. The nighttime mission took place in response to increasingly frequent rocket attacks on civilian communities in southern Israel.

IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz warned last week that it is only “a matter of time”before the IDF will need to re-enter Gaza to deal with rising terror levels. For the past three years the IDF has limited itself to pinpoint responses to attacks, however, Hamas continues to slowly escalate attacks in an apparent attempt to drag Israel into a confrontation that will win it media sympathy.

Muslim Worshippers, Israeli Police Clash At Temple Mount

Hundreds of Muslim worshippers clashed with police on Friday at Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

Following Friday prayers, hundreds of worshippers began hurling rocks at the Mughrabi Bridge at the entrance to the Temple Mount, which prompted Israeli police forces to enter the plaza and attempt to scatter the protest.

Israeli police said that dozens of protesters gathered inside the Al-Aqsa mosque after hurling rocks at security forces, who, in a rare move, came to the entrance of the mosque and used stun grenades to scatter the protesters.

Several policemen were lightly wounded as a result of the rocks.

In light of several violent incidents that occurred at the Temple Mount this week, there was heightened police presence on Friday morning.

If Israel Strikes Iran, It'll Be Because Of Obama

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dealt primarily with three things over the past three years: Iran, Iran, and Iran.

In the first instance, Netanyahu was busy making sure Iran was on top of the international agenda. While our prime minister won't say so out loud, he is deeply scornful of his predecessors for spending so much time on the Palestinian issue while neglecting the Iranian issue.

In the second instance, Netanyahu made sure that the Iranian threat would top the national agenda. Ten years ago we were still arguing about peace. Five years ago we were arguing about dividing the land - about a permanent settlement, an interim settlement, disengagement, convergence, and the like.

But today the only diplomatic-security issue that people talk about at their Friday night get-togethers is the Iranian issue. Nothing good is happening in the Middle East. As long as the shadow of the Shi'ite bomb casts a pall over all of us, there won't be any diplomatic breakthrough.

In the third instance, Netanyahu was busy building up Israel's abilities to face the Iranian threat. Netanyahu thinks that until he took office, Israel hadn't been preparing properly to confront Iran's cement-lined bunkers.

A few years ago Netanyahu held an in-depth discussion with Middle East expert Bernard Lewis. At the end of the talk he was convinced that if the ayatollahs obtained nuclear weapons, they would use them. Since that day, Netanyahu seems convinced that we are living out a rerun of the 1930s.

The Netanyahu-Obama meeting in two weeks will be definitive. If the U.S. president wants to prevent a disaster, he must give Netanyahu iron-clad guarantees that the United States will stop Iran in any way necessary and at any price, after the 2012 elections. If Obama doesn't do this, he will obligate Netanyahu to act before the 2012 elections.

The video below is most definitely worth watching; the globalist agenda is discussed and the conclusions are very accurate and honest - something sorely lacking in the MSM these days:

The Birth Of The World Government

Also see:

The Day I Became A Conservative

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