Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Daily Headlines:

Once again, Syria and Iran dominate the headlines:

WASHINGTON — Amid mounting tensions over whether Israel will carry out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program, the United States and Israel remain at odds over a fundamental question: whether Iran’s crucial nuclear facilities are about to become impregnable.

Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, coined the phrase “zone of immunity” to define the circumstances under which Israel would judge it could no longer hold off from an attack because Iran’s effort to produce a bomb would be invulnerable to any strike. But judging when that moment will arrive has set off an intense debate with the Obama administration, whose officials counter that there are other ways to make Iran vulnerable.

Senior Israeli officials, including the foreign minister and leader of the Mossad, have traveled to Washington in recent weeks to make the case that this point is fast approaching.

American officials have made reciprocal visits to Jerusalem, arguing that Israel and the West have more time and should allow sanctions and covert actions to deter Iran’s plans.

The Israelis have zeroed in on Iran’s plan to put much of its uranium enrichment near Qum in an underground facility beneath so many layers of granite that even the Pentagon acknowledges it would be out of the reach of its best bunker-busting bombs. Once enrichment activities are under way at Qum, the Israelis argue, Iran could throw out United Nations inspectors and produce bomb-grade fuel without fear the facility would be destroyed.

However, just like in Libya, the corporate-financiers peddling this war are not pursuing a humanitarian agenda, quite the contrary. They are fully arming, supporting, harboring, financing, and directing listed foreign terrorist organizations inside Syria to conduct an invasion by proxy. In fact, it is confirmed that the very same Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), on record having killed US troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan before returning to Libya to receive full UN, US, and NATO backing to overthrow Qaddafi, are now on the border of Syria operating under the auspices of NATO members including Turkey.

Just as in Libya, Wall Street and London with or without a UN resolution plan to fully fund, arm, back, and support, first covertly, then overtly with military force a mixture of domestic traitors in Syria’s US-funded opposition and foreign mercenaries like Libya’s LIFG terror organization to invade and overthrow the government of Syria. This will be done at any cost, just as in Libya, international law will be selectively enforced by the facade that is the UN, just as was done in Libya, until either the West is tactically defeated, or overwhelmed by growing international awareness and anger over the “R2P” racket.

British Special Forces are on the ground in Syria directing rebel fighters in a repeat of how Libyan rebels were aided in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi

“British and Qatari special operations units are operating with rebel forces under cover in the Syrian city of Homs just 162 kilometers from Damascus, according to DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources,” states the report, adding that the foreign units are not engaging in direct combat but are acting in an advisory capacity, while also relaying requests for arms outside of the country.

The report suggests that the situation in Syria is developing in an almost identical manner to howrebels in Libya were aided by British and French Special Forces.

Given reports that Iran is preparing to dispatch 15,000 troops to help the embattled President Bashar Assad, the west’s quest for regime change in Syria could also manifest itself as a proxy war with Tehran.

As we previously reported, the same Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists who fought U.S. troops in Iraq and helped NATO powers overthrow Colonel Gaddafi were airlifted into Syria to aid rebels there in attempting to topple President Bashar al-Assad in November last year.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's strategist provided the legal and religious justification for the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people, in a documentpublished on conservative Farsi website Alef. Reports of the document began to circulate the internet this week.

The document, written by strategy specialist Alireza Forghani, outlined the reasons why, "In the name of Allah, Iran must attack Israel by 2014."

Forghani called the Jewish state a "cancerous tumor for the Middle East" and reminded his readers that "All our troubles are due to Israel!"

"Every Muslim is obliged to equip himself against Israel," he urged, reasoning that if the Muslim world does not attack Israel in the near future, "the opportunity could be lost and it may not be possible to stop them."

It also clarified that although Israel had yet to strike Iran, its occupation of Palestinian lands already justifies an attack as Islam dictates that "the political borders [of the world] cannot divide Muslims and the earth is divided into two parts - Muslim countries and non-Muslim countries."

The document also provides a "concise description of mid- and long-range ballistic missiles that can target territories of this regional cancerous tumor" and destroy Israel in "less than nine minutes."

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