Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Netanyahu vs Obama II - Coming Attractions

This article from the Jerusalem Post is very interesting and worth reading. It reveals what we can expect to see in the coming days as preparations are being made for Mr Netanyahu's visit to Canada and the U.S.:

On eve of US trip, gov't sources say Netanyahu spending considerable time working on speech to annual policy conference expected to address Iran's nuclear march and the stymied diplomatic process with the Palestinians.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is scheduled to leave for Canada and the US late Thursday night for a visit that – unlike previous trips to Washington and meetings with US President Barack Obama that focused on the Palestinians –is expected this time to center on Iran.

Government sources said Netanyahu is spending considerable time working on his speech to the annual AIPAC policy conference Monday evening. The sources said this speech will not just be one of platitudes, but rather a "policy speech" that will "break new ground".

OK, that gets my attention. Iran is the focus, and PM Netanyahu will be giving a speech which will "break new ground". This may prove interesting.

Netanyahu is expected to address both Iran's nuclear march, and the stymied diplomatic process with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu is scheduled to land in Ottawa early Friday morning and hold a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has turned Canada into one of Israel's staunchest supporters and closest friends in the world.

Netanyahu is not scheduled to leave for Washington from Ottawa until Sunday afternoon, listening to Obama's speech to AIPAC Sunday morning before travelling to the US. President Shimon Peres is scheduled to address the parley just before Obama.

According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, Obama is considering using his AIPAC speech to more clearly define US policy on military action against Iran before his meeting with Netanyahu the next day. The report said Obama's staff was considering the possibility of outlining the "red lines" that Washington believes Iran should not be allowed to cross. Other administration officials, however, believe that if Obama does want to set out those red lines publicly, he was likely to do so in private with the prime minister.

These meetings and speeches may prove to be quite revealing. PM Netanyahu could use these forums to give clarity on his intentions regarding Iran. What President Obama says, to be completely honest, has little meaning, as one simply cannot count on what he says. Mr Netanyahu, however, in the process of breaking new ground may give us some invaluable information regarding his intentions for the Iranian nuclear situation.

Stay tuned - this one may get very interesting and is certainly worth following closely.

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