Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

The Soros Effect And The Death Of Free Speech

This article comes from "The Soros Files" and it is quite ominous:

Fox News has aired several interviews with Daily Caller editors and reporters on the influence of Media Matters, the Soros-funded left-wing attack machine. Aseries of articles in the Daily Caller sheds new light on the operations of the group, which masquerades as a non-profit but has partisan political ties to the Obama White House and the Democratic Party.

It is even more sensitive in view of what News Corporation, the parent of Fox News, is doing to its staff at the British newspaper, the Sun. As part of an internal investigation of phone-hacking and bribery, News Corporation voluntarily turned over information to police authorities

Sun associate editor Trevor Kavanagh reports that, “30 journalists have been needlessly dragged from their beds in dawn raids, arrested and held in police cells while their homes are ransacked.” He said journalists were being treated like members of a criminal gang and that freedom of the press was in danger.

If News Corporation chief Rupert Murdoch would turn over his own journalists to authorities in Britain, why wouldn’t he sack Glenn Beck in response to an orchestrated campaign from George Soros and his operatives at Media Matters?

Commenting on the Daily Caller series and other reports, John Hudson of the Atlantic Wire writes, “The leftward shift or ‘course correction’ at Fox News in recent months could have several explanations but a pair of reports in Politico and The Daily Caller give credit to the cable network’s mortal enemy: Media Matters for America.

Beck had exposed Jones on the air as a self-described communist engaged in anti-police and 9/11 “truth” activities. This led to his forced resignation from the Obama Administration. Thus, Jones had a vendetta against Fox.

George Soros, who was being subjected to scrutiny by Beck on his popular Fox News Channel program, had a vendetta as well. He personally gave $1 million to Media Matters to neutralize Beck and the conservative message of Fox News.

What has been the result? Complete success on the part of Media Matters and the Soros machine.

Number one – Beck is gone, replaced by a show, “The Five,” that includes Democratic Party operative Bob Beckel. Number two – Fox News now has two paid left-wing feminists on the air, Sally Kohn and Jehmu Greene, both graduates of Jane Fonda’s Women’s Media Center. And number three: it’s beingreported that Fox News is developing a new program to be hosted by Greene called “The Green Room.”

What’s more, News Corporation chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch is nowquoting Soros approvingly in regard to his economic thinking. Murdoch’s favorable tweet about Soros followed a flattering story about the hedge fund billionaire in the Wall Street Journal, another property of News Corporation.

The handwriting is on the wall. The “course correction” at the channel is being conducted at the direction or with the approval of Rupert Murdoch himself. But as Politico recently reported in a fairly comprehensive story by Keach Hagey, conservatives are definitely not happy with it. A Western Center for Journalismpoll found that some 70 percent of conservatives thought the channel had moved to the left.

In addition, we see the following:

It appears that throwing Beck to the wolves didn’t stop the onslaught against News Corporation from powerful political interests. In short, the liberal/left may see an opportunity not only to take down Fox News but the whole company. Murdoch seems to think that throwing more journalists to the wolves is his way to avoid being eaten himself.

It has been said before, but it is worth repeating: George Soros is having an enormous influence on world-wide politics and economics - almost everything he does and everything he touches is against values involving freedom, against the Nation of Israel, against capitalism, and he is very influential in the current U.S. administration. His 'movements' on the world scene are very much worth watching and he appears to be pivotal in terms of shaping the world as it approaches the Tribulation.

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