Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Daily Headlines:

Once again, we see multiple, significant earthquakes around the world, including a 6.0 off the coast of Oregon:

A strong 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck on Tuesday roughly 160 miles off the coast of Oregon, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The quake struck at 7:31 p.m. Pacific time at a depth of 6.2 miles in the Pacific Ocean 159 miles west of Coos Bay, Oregon. It was felt as far away as San Francisco, California, according to the USGS.

USGSNear The East Coast Of Honshu, JapanFeb 15 06:28 AM4.950.9MAPI Felt It
EMSCNear East Coast Of Honshu, JapanFeb 15 06:28 AM5.051.0MAPI Felt It
GEOFONNear East Coast Of Honshu, JapanFeb 15 06:28 AM5.110.0MAPI Felt It
GEOFONJujuy Province, ArgentinaFeb 15 05:53 AM5.1174.0MAPI Felt It
GEOFONOff Coast Of OregonFeb 15 03:31 AM5.710.0MAPI Felt It
EMSCOff Coast Of OregonFeb 15 03:31 AM6.030.0MAPI Felt It
USGSOff The Coast Of OregonFeb 15 03:31 AM5.912.0MAPI Felt It
USGSOff The Coast Of OregonFeb 15 03:31 AM6.010.0MAPI Felt It
GEOFONFiji Islands RegionFeb 15 01:49 AM5.0341.0MAPI Felt It
USGSFiji RegionFeb 15 01:49 AM5.2316.5MAPI Felt It
EMSCFiji RegionFeb 15 01:49 AM5.3316.0MAPI Felt It

Scientists have issued a dire warning that the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant is at risk of a massive new earthquake.

Research using data from more than 6,000 recent tremors has found that last March's disaster has reactivated a seismic fault practically beneath the power station.

Now scientists are telling Japanese authorities to urgently shore up the damaged reactor in expectation of more massive 'quakes.

'Given that a large earthquake occurred in Iwaki not long ago, we think it is possible for a similarly strong earthquake to happen in Fukushima.'

The April 11, 2011, magnitude 7 Iwaki earthquake was the strongest aftershock of the 11 March earthquake with an inland epicentre.

On the heels of massive proposed defense budget cuts we see this article below. We are in the process of disarming America:

The Obama administration is weighing options for sharp new cuts to the U.S. nuclear force, including a reduction of up to 80 percent in the number of deployed weapons, The Associated Press has learned.

Even the most modest option now under consideration would be an historic and politically bold disarmament step in a presidential election year, although the plan is in line with President Barack Obama's 2009 pledge to pursue the elimination of nuclear weapons.

A level of 300 deployed strategic nuclear weapons would take the U.S. back to levels not seen since 1950 when the nation was ramping up production in an arms race with the Soviet Union.

Obama has often cited his desire to seek lower levels of nuclear weapons, but specific options for a further round of cuts had been kept under wraps until the AP learned of the three options now on the table.

There is sadly no shortage of Palestinian Arabs with an ingrained nationalistic motivation to harm and kill Israeli Jews. But for many others, there is another compelling reason to engage in terrorism: a steady salary.

An Israeli court this week charged two Gaza men with terrorist activity after they admitted to plotting to kill Israeli soldiers so they could collect a healthy Palestinian Authority salary while sitting in Israeli jails.

Salam Alsufi and Ra'ami Tayima knew that by joining Hamas they would get into the kind of trouble that would land them up in an Israeli jail. And that's just what they wanted, since the Palestinian Authority pays jailed Palestinian terrorists between 3,200 and 10,000 shekels (about $865-$2,700) per month, far more than Palestinian civil servants earn. Additionally, the families of jailed Palestinian terrorists receive tax breaks and free education.

Iran announced Wednesday it placed its first homemade nuclear fuel rods in a reactor, but it may not be ableconvert them into fuel.

Tehran issued a statement on its official Iranian Student News Agencyto announce what it said is a ”giant step” in its nuclear program.

The “research reactor” is located in Tehran.

The use of homemade nuclear fuel roads, which Iran last month since were successfully tested, in a move to overcome international sanctions aimed at preventing or slowing down further development in its unsupervised nuclear program.

Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces wants to send a strong message to Washington not to interfere in its internal affairs and has taken to court 43 non-governmental organization workers, 16 of whom are Americans. One of the Americans is the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

As a result, the U.S. Congress is threatening to cut off some $1.5 billion in annual foreign assistance, with $1.3 billion of that amount going to the military. The SCAF’s action, analysts say, is designed to show the United States the limits in dictating how Egypt manages its transition to democracy.
In recent parliamentary elections, the Islamist groups Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists won a majority of the seats. Presidential elections are scheduled for June.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Iran is destabilizing the world and urged the international community to condemn its terror acts against Israeli targets.

The prime minister's comments come a day after a botched terror attack in Thailand, which Israeli officials believe was meant to target Israel's ambassador in Bangkok. The bombing followed an attack on Israel's embassy in New Delhi and an attempted attack on Israeli diplomats in Tbilisi.

"Iran's terror operations are now exposed for all to see," Netanyahu said during a Knesset plenum on Wednesday. "Iran is undermining the world's stability and harms innocent diplomats. World countries must condemn Iran's terror acts and draw a red line."

The “shadow war” between Israel and Iran is escalating, Middle East analysts say, as a wave of terrorist incidents in far-flung corners of world unsettles U.S. officials.

U.S. officials have condemned this week’s attacks but stopped short of openly endorsing assertions by Israeli leaders, who have blamed the incidents in India, Georgia and Thailand on Iran, and specifically the Iranian-supported Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

But the specter of a growing proxy war ratchets up an already tense standoff about Iran’s nuclear program. Western leaders have grown increasingly dismissive toward Iranian claims that the program is peaceful, and several world powers have joined in economic sanctions against Iran.

There is an audio clip making the rounds (scroll down to listen) of pro-Israel blogs, purporting to reveal a University of Pennsylvania professor apparently suggesting that fellow teachers insert a boycott Israel message into their courses, even in courses not connected to Middle East politics.

The audio clip was taped at the National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Conference earlier this month at the University of Pennsylvania about which The Blaze reported.

In a breakout session of the “Academic Boycott of Israel” initiative, Amy Kaplan, professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania spoke about how teachers can most effectively demonize Israel in every classroom as well as the “positive aspects” of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Here we have a professor at an Ivy League university explicitly calling on like-minded educators to shoehorn hate of Israel into every one of their classes.

For these academics, college is not about teaching but it is merely a platform for them to spout their political views at their captive audience.

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