Senin, 13 Februari 2012

One Day of Signs

Headlines today tell the story; a single day's worth of news and prophetic developments:

The world's largest biometric identity exercise, which is taking place in India, is well on its way to reaching its target of half the country's population, reports the BBC's Sanjoy Majumder.

Jahangirpuri is one of the biggest slums in the Indian capital, Delhi, home mostly to rubbish pickers and daily wage labourers.

Today many of them are lined up outside a tiny, single-room office, waiting patiently.

As each one of them goes inside, two young men and women enter their details into a computer before they are photographed and their fingerprints and iris are scanned.

'Every nook and corner'

It's a process that's being repeated at similar centres around India.

Dozens of buildings went up in flames as the riots engulfed the center of the Greek capital. A three-story corner building believed to be a home appliances store was severely damaged by fire. Among other buildings damaged were a cinema, a bank, a mobile phone dealership, a glassware shop and a coffee shop.

The Greek parliament late Sunday night (12 February) voted in favour of the austerity package required by eurozone countries in return for a bail-out needed to avoid bankruptcy, but the vote was marked by violent street clashes.

But the sense of injustice over more austerity measures hitting the worst off spilled over in several Greek cities, including Thessaloniki where some 20,000 people took to the streets, as well as the islands of Corfu and Crete.

Tens of thousands of protesters clashed with police before the parliament in Syntagma Square, with buildings set ablaze and over 80 people injured.

An Israeli official says an explosion has hit an Israeli diplomat's car in New Delhi, Associated Press reported Monday. In Georgia, meanwhile, another explosive device was discovered in a car driven by an embassy employee.

Several Israeli news sources reported that the wife of the Israeli security attaché in Delhi suffered moderate or moderate-to-serious injuries in the blast. She was evacuated to a hospital.

The Iranian government has now made crystal clear that it is at war not only with Israel and Zionism but with Jewish communities throughout the world. As Iran's Rafah news website—identified with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—threatened last month, Iran plans to "take the war beyond the borders of Iran, and beyond the borders of the region." And last week an Iranian News Agency headline declared that "Israeli people must be annihilated."

These and other recent threats have, according to news reports, led Israeli and American authorities to believe that Iran is preparing attacks against Israeli embassies and consulates world-wide, as well ...

Israel is carrying out attacks on Iran that are prohibited by the United States, Newsweek-Daily Beast stated Monday in a report that also says new Mossad chief Tamir Pardo visited Washington to gauge Americanreactions if Israel strikes Iran.

Under the headline “Obama’s Dangerous Game With Iran,” the article revealed what many have assumed – that the United States and Israel have different red lines on Iran; that President Barack Obama’s speech against a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria tipped the scales of distrust from Jerusalem; and Israel and the United States are sharing intelligence – but not all of it.

It has been clear that Israel and America’s “red lines” are not the same because the United States, unlike Israel, has the military capacity and distance from Iran that allows it to wait until Iran has a nuclear weapon, a luxury Israel cannot afford.

Iran has built up its naval forces in the Gulf and prepared boats that could be used in suicide attacks, but the US Navy can prevent it from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, the commander of US naval forces in the region said on Sunday.

Iran has made a series of threats in recent weeks to disrupt shipping in the Gulf or strike US forces in retaliation if its oil trade is shut down by sanctions, or if its disputed nuclearprogram comes under attack.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday that the PA will not meet Israel’s demand that it recognize Israel as the Jewish State, Kol Yisrael radio reported.

Abbas’ comments come less than a week after he signed an agreement with the Hamas terror group in Doha. The reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Abbas’ Fatah faction calls for Abbas to head an interim government, which will be made up of "independent technocrats." The new PA interim government is to be presented on February 18 in Cairo.

Last week, the Tehran Times noted that the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20. This long-planned move is part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s vision of economic war with the west.

Iran has the third-largest oil reserves in the world and pricing oil in currencies other than dollars is a provocative move aimed at Washington. If Iran switches to the non-dollar terms for its oil payments, there could be a new oil price that would be denominated in euro, yen or even the yuan or rupee.

“Iran may close the Strait of Hormuz, causing an anticipated 50pc rise in crude oil prices, resulting in widespread economic havoc,” the Tehran Times columnist noted.

In his recent meetings in Washington, DC Mossad chief Tamir Pardo aimed to discover how the US would react were Israel to unilaterally attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Newsweekreported Monday.

The report also said "Israel has stopped sharing a significant amount of information with Washington regarding its own military preparations" over the Iran nuclear issue.

Senior intelligence officials and a military officer said that Israel stopped sharing significant information with the United States for about four months after US President Barack Obama called for the Green Line to be the basis of peace talks with Palestinians.

...a bomb attached to the car of an Israeli Defense Ministry official in New Delhi blew up and injured his wife Monday, Feb. 12. There are no more details as yet. Israeli officials in the Indian capital including the embassy are on terror alert. In the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, a bomb attached to the car of a local Israeli embassy employee was discovered and defused before it exploded. It is not known if the bomb was rigged to kill the employee or to blow up remotely against the embassy building after the vehicle was driven into the compound.

A very powerful earthquake struck below Costa Rica at 04:55 in the morning. The epicenter has been located at 81 km from San Jose. This earthquake occurred in the highly populated region of Puntarenas in Costa Rica, also visited by many tourists.

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