Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Evening Update: Israeli-Iranian War Now Out Of Shadows

This title comes from the Jerusalem Post in "Breaking News":

If there was any doubt, the capture of two Iranian nationals in Bangkok on Tuesday – just hours after the home they were renting exploded in a work accident – shows that the Israeli-Iranian war has now moved out of the shadows.

Iran is out to strike at Israel and appears to be panicking as it tries. The three recent plots, including the relativelysuccessful bombing in New Delhi on Monday, are a demonstration of a determined Iranian effort to attack Israel at almost all costs.

What Iran is likely trying to do is hit Israel hard enough to inflict pain, but not so hard as to give Israel justification to retaliate, possibly even militarily.

In the meantime – and as long as the attacks are notsuccessful – Israel is going to try and use the spate of attacks to its benefit, and specifically garner international support against Iran’s nuclear program.

Israeli intelligence agencies are now working to try and connect the dots among the three recent terror plots – in New Delhi, Tbilisi and Bangkok – in an effort to be able to portray Iran as what Israel claims it is: the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Israel is also using the attacks to explain to the world the danger of a nuclear Iran. If Iran is carrying out these attacks today, just wait until the ayatollahs have a nuclear bomb, some officials are saying.

But this all depends on the Iranians. If the attacks continue and one of them succeeds, Israel will need to consider how to respond.

For the time being, Israel is focused on the diplomatic track, but one bomb could change everything.

Israeli officials told ABC News that the level of personal security on high-ranking Embassy officials as well as other, lower profile officials in the U.S. is at its highest in at least five years, a response to what they called "a coordinated series of attacks." When Israeli officials travel to and from events, ABC News has observed a notable increase in the security presence.

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