Senin, 06 Februari 2012

In the news:

There are a lot of pertinent news stories today so the intro for each will be brief:

The first story is the most dramatic.

The Middle East:

The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.

Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

Because Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran is justified in launching a pre-emptive, cataclysmic attack against the Jewish state, the doctrine argues.

Forces loyal to Syrian strongman Bashar Assad renewed their attack on the city of Homs Monday. At least 50 people have died since morning, according to reports from the city in western Syria.

“Even though there is a desire that the Assad regime collapse, there is little chance that it will,” he said adding, “I do not see him falling.”

The United States on Sunday proposed an international coalition to support Syria’s opposition, The Associated Press reported.

The proposal came one day after Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council attempt to end nearly 11 months of bloodshed.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that chances for “a brutal civil war” would increase as Syrians under attack from their government move to defend themselves, unlessinternational steps provide another way.

President Barack Obama on Saturday accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government of murdering civilians in an “unspeakable assault” in the city of Homs, and demanded that Assad step down, a day after more than 400 civilians across the country were killed.

The headlines today are full of the Middle East spinning violently apart and threatening to take the entire planet with them. The Doomsday Clock is relentlessly ticking towards midnight and the nuclear Armageddon

Israel will need to make a major move soon if they are to have a prayer of taking out Iran’s capabilities – in fact, it may already be too late. They have made the tactical error of listening to the radical Progressive leadership in DC and it may cost them everything. No American hero on a white steed will ride to the rescue this time. Panetta has made it abundantly clear – R2P for Syria is a possibility, but hands off Iran.

The Ayatollah came out today and last week through the Internet and in fiery speeches called again for the destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews. The Iranian government has also laid out a legal and religious doctrine that includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.

And the rhetoric is heating up explosively day by day. This won’t go on much longer before something boils over. Tiny Israel will have no choice but to preemptively protect herself or try to save herself afterwards.

Take a look at the slew of events making headlines recently and ask yourself what they portend:

  • 400 are slaughtered in Syria, while the UN tries to mandate a resolution. Russia and China block the resolution. And to sweeten the poison, Syria is close to having a civil war break out.
  • Hard-line Islamists have taken control of Kuwait’s parliament in their elections, following in the footsteps of Tunisia and Egypt.
  • Libya – whom we cheered on in the Arab Spring – had their militia torture their Ambassador to France to death after pulling out his toe nails. Yep, this is what democracy looks like.
  • Iranian war ships have docked in a Saudi port. Iranian naval ships docked on Saturday in the Saudi port city of Jeddah on a mission to project the Islamic republic’s “power on the open seas.”
  • Iran has begun mass production of an anti-ship cruise missile.
  • Egypt on Sunday referred 43 NGO workers, including 19 Americans, to trial before a criminal court for allegedly using illegal foreign funds to foment unrest.
  • Iran’s Revolutionary Guard began military exercises Saturday in the country’s south, the latest show of force after threats to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz in retaliation for tougher Western sanctions.
  • Israeli facilities worldwide are on high alert against an attack from Iran, according to an internal security document obtained by ABC News
    • Panetta believes Israel could strike Iran within months.
    • Iran is warning of a coming ‘great event.’ Since they believe that 2012 is the return of the Mahdi, you do the math.

Hezbollah is prepared to attack Israel if Western powers interfere in Syria against the regime in Damascus, a Lebanese Hezbollah official said Sunday according to the Palestinian News Network.

The unnamed official said Hezbollah was prepared if Western powers intervened in Syria in order to stop Syrian President Bashar Assad's crackdown on anti-government protesters, even if the "price for it" is to engage the IDF in battle in order to divert attention away from the Syrian arena.

Ignoring a stern U.S. threat, Egypton Sunday referred 43 NGO workers, including 19 Americans, to trial before a criminal court for allegedly using illegal foreign funds to foment unrest.

The decision marked a sharp escalation of the dispute between Cairo and Washington overEgypt‘s crackdown on U.S.-funded groups promoting democracy and human rights.

All 43 have been banned from leaving the country. A date has yet to be set for the start of the trial.


For a third consecutive day, earthquakes are very much in the news. This story should not be ignored:

Earthquake overview : an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred in the very highly populated region of Central Visayas in Philippines. The nearest populated places are: Ayungon (20km), Tayasan (12km), Cantaup (16km), Jimalalud (6km), La Libertad (7km), Apanangon (6km), Guihulngan (15km), Villegas (15km). The closest civilian airport is Bacolod (73km).

Update: 40 killed and many missing with 100 injured due to earthquake induced landslides. The death toll is expected to continue to rise.

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck near the Bushehr nuclear power plant in south Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said on its website on Sunday.

The earthquake struck at 9:40 a.m. local time (06:10 GMT) on Sunday some 70 km (45 miles) southwest of Bushehr, with its epicenter registered at a depth of 10 km.

There were no reports so far of any casualties or damage to the nuclear power plant caused by the quake.

In America:

A recently published “lexicon” distributed to thousands of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) targets citizens concerned about their Second Amendment rights and the steady encroachment of the federal government, categorizing such as “militia extremists.”

The “lexicon,” marked Unclassified/For Official Use Only (FOUO), is dated November 10, 2011, and was sent out by email to law enforcement and homeland security agencies on November 14 by LaJuan E. Washington of the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

We have exclusively posted the DHS “lexicon” here

Its definition of “militia extremists” states:

(U//FOUO) Groups or individuals who facilitate or engage in acts of violence directed at federal, state, or local government officials or infrastructure in response to their belief that the government deliberately is stripping Americans of their freedoms and is attempting to establish a totalitarian regime. These individuals consequently oppose many federal and state authorities’ laws and regulations, (particularly those related to firearms ownership), and often belong to armed paramilitary groups. They often conduct paramilitary training designed to violently resist perceived government oppression or to violently overthrow the US Government. (Page 2 of 3, emphasis added)

In light of the recent publication of the DHS “lexicon” that violates their own guidelines, it seems clear that under Secretary Napolitano, DHS officials are intent on continuing to target innocent citizens merely exercising their constitutional rights.

Nor is this the first time that homeland security agencies have pushed the boundaries on defining “militia extremists.”

Just a few weeks prior to DHS coming under fire for that “right-wing” report, the Missouri Information Analysis Center, funded by DHS grants, issued a report titled “The Modern Militia Movement,” which branded pro-life groups and those opposed to illegal immigration as potential domestic terrorists. Indicators identified in the report included support for third-party candidates. Political signs and bumper stickers were also suspect, with the Revolutionary War-era “Gadsden flag” specifically called out as a “militia symbol.” The Missouri fusion center later announced it would stop publishing reports altogether.

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