Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

More News From The Epicenter

Once again, most of the pertinent news is coming from the Middle East and once again, Israel concedes to the 'international community' as led by the U.S.:

Netanyahu Concedes to Obama - if Abbas Drops UN Ploy

The Netanyahu government has confirmed it will accept renewed talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, based on the 1949-1967 borders, if the PA scraps its initiative to ask the United Nations for recognition.

Renewed talks also are conditioned on Abbas' recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, a statement he has said he never will make.

Well, that demand probably represents a deal-breaker right there. The "PA" will never admit that Israel has a right to exist.

Abbas has not responded to Netanyahu’s latest proposal to resume talks and formerly has stated that he would be willing to “negotiate” with Israel only after the Jewish state accepts all of its demands, which he said are non-negotiable.

Also see:

Israel 'ready to negotiate borders with Palestinians'

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has bowed to US pressure by agreeing for the first time that a Palestinian state should roughly follow the contours of the 1967 ceasefire lines separating the West Bank from Israel.

The offer, which emerged tonight appeared to represent a major climb-down by Mr Netanyahu, who has consistently refused to discuss specific borders of a future state.

Palestinians plan mass demonstrations against Israel on eve of UN vote

Palestinian officials said Monday they plan to begin mass marches against Israel's occupation of the West Bank on September 20, the eve of a largely symbolic UN vote expected to recognize their independence.

Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said leaders hope to attract millions, and the protest will be the first of a prolonged effort. He said the campaign would be called "Palestine 194," since the Palestinians hope to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

"The appeal to the UN is a battle for all Palestinians, and in order to succeed, it needs millions to pour into streets," he said.

Military officials warn of 'arson intifada'

Residents of various West Bank settlements have found themselves under a new threat recently – arson.

According to a report published by Yedioth Ahronoth Tuesday, more than 20 fires have been maliciously set in West Bank settlements and outposts in the past few weeks.

Police investigators determined that all of the fires were the result of arson and evidence in all cases led to surrounding Arab villages. The Judea and Samaria District Police have recently arrested six suspects.

Defense establishment sources have expressed concern that the area may be facing an "arson intifada," saying Palestinians have foregone hurling rocks and rioting in favor of setting fires near settlements and letting the hot weather and winds do the rest – i.e. feed the blaze as it spreads and threatens communities and wildlife alike.

"This is a genuine concern," Amiad Kadmon, Mizpeh Danny's security officer, told Yedioth Ahronoth. "This could literally burn our lives down to the ground."

The IDF has also voiced concerns over the new "trend": Binyamin Division Commander Colonel Saar Tzur has declared the fight against arson a top priority

IDF strikes Gaza targets after rocket wounds Israeli woman

Israel Air Force aircraft attacked targets in the northern Gaza Strip, and a smuggling tunnel in south Gaza overnight Monday, after a rocket hit southern Israel and lightly wounded a woman.

The IDF spokesperson reported direct hits on the targets, and said that the strikes were carried out in response to rocket fire on Monday, which wounded an Israeli woman.

We also see yet another dramatic story involving Christian persecution in the region:

Video: The Eradication of Christianity in Syria

Terrifying documentary about the persecution of Christians in Syria. Destroying the ancient religious community through violence, kidnapping, rape, burning of property and all the other instruments of cruelty so often applied by Muslims against their neighbors. We in the mighty west are once again betraying an innocent people, because of our cowardice and ignorance.

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