Video: Israel/Hamas - The Gaza War
It is worth reading the caveats below as well:
Hamas is one of the biggest obstacles to peace between Israel and the "Palestinians." While this video portrays that, it also makes like there could be peace without Hamas in the picture, cut and dry.
At JPR most of us believe the problem runs much deeper.
The "Moderate" Fatah party names streets and parks after martyrs who killed innocent Israeli civilians. The PA has indoctrinated their children with anti-Israel teachings. Palestinian schools teach that there is no Israel and that Jews come from apes, and that there is no greater accomplishment then to die a shahid, a martyr for "Palestine," killing as many Jews as they can on the way out!
Not to take away from this very well edited video and the facts it portrays... they just stop way short and give the Muslims in Israel more credit than they deserve. They do not want peace. They want Israel piece by piece.
More sightings of massive numbers of dead fish appearing. What is causing this?
Mass of Dead Fish Found in N. China City
Dead Fish Washing Up On Shores of North Falmouth, Mass
What is killing sportfish off the coast of North Falmouth?
"We don’t know. That’s the answer," said George R. Hampson of North Falmouth, who first brought the issue to the town’s attention.
Over the past few weeks, the Falmouth Natural Resources Department and the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) have received reports of dead bluefish, striped bass, and scup floating in the waters of Buzzards Bay. R. Charles Martinsen III, assistant director of the Natural Resources Department, said dead fish have also washed ashore in the New Silver Beach area, as far south as Stony Beach in Woods Hole, "and we’ve also had a handful of reports from Bourne."
"They’ve shown up in various stages of decomposition," he said, "and with no obvious cause of mortality."
Mr Soros back in the news:
Soros-Funded Media Toe Liberal Line in Debt Coverage
It is interesting that Mr Soros is calling for the exact measures that would destroy the United States. This can't be an accident.
Forget the House proposal of Cut Cap and Balance. Further spending cuts aren't even given the time of day among top Soros-funded news sites, unless they are being criticized. Increased taxes are the only option in their world.
Democracy Now!, part of the Soros-funded Media Consortium, called Congress's plan to reduce spending ''a declaration of war on the poor.'' Alternet, an unhinged liberal blog under the Media consortium umbrella, blamed conservatives for ''stoking economic hysteria to force catastrophic cuts.''
The Center for Public Integrity's iwatch news even called for more financial regulations to fix the problem. The center received $3.7 million from Soros. Think Progress manages to top this by criticizing local news broadcast from across the country for not blaming the downgrade on the failure to increase revenue.
The story below is important because it describes just one more aspect in the loss of freedom and movement towards a police state:
Assault by TSA
Last week, at Reagan National Airport I was chosen in line to be screened by the naked scanner. I knew that this technology had been rushed to market and had not been properly tested for the amount of radiation exposure and its concentration in skin, which increases the risk of cancer.
A couple of burka-clad passengers were waved through from the line behind me; nobody touched them or x-rayed them. Here I was, waiting to be sexually touched and violated in front of dozens of people. I did not want to go to a private room, I was afraid for my safety.
We teach our children not to talk to strangers, much less allow strangers to touch them in such invasive, pedophilic ways. By the time my TSA tormentor finished, I was in tears, I never felt more utterly violated except under communism. I felt stripped of my dignity, my being, my soul.
What happened to our free country? Why are we allowing ourselves to be treated like cattle in order to bring us into quicker submission to a totalitarian society? What happened to the American spirit of freedom, independence, and innocent until proven guilty? Why must we submit our dignity to TSA?
Below is a deeper look at the riots occurring in Europe and the UK
A Nation of What
Below is the first comment and the closing statement from this article:
The London riots are yet another episode in the slow disintegration of Europe.
The final irony of it all is that the attempt to leapfrog nations and cultures to a transcendent global form of social organization—instead led back to primitive savagery. Globalism empowered the gang and multiculturalism turned modern nation states into tribal enclaves. That is what the mobs are really about. The raider has turned. The tribals are back. And native Europeans are the Romans watching the barbarians come through the gates.
Class Warfare Erupts Into Just Plain Warfare
Lately it seems the only thing more sobering than America's creeping decline is Europe's rapid decline. The riots in London put a painfully fine point on the dark future that awaits us. It is true that Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy show us the grim numerical realities of unlimited government, but all those nations were past their prime before the American Founding.
What about the U.S.? Are riots coming to our shores? If so, is there a plan in place?
Corporate Media Puzzled by U.S. Martial Law Plans
Back in late 2010, the Army Corps of Engineers inadvertently posted information about Northcom’s CONPLAN 3502, included within information about a FEMA-simulated earthquake drill called National Level Exercise 2011.
The documents reveal how a secret Pentagon Civil Disturbance Operations plan calls for military-operated detention and search operations within the United States. It is mentioned in a Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Handbook that was prepared by the Army’s Joint Test and Evaluation Command. It was also mentioned by General Victor E. Renuart, Northcom commander, in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats and Capabilities on March 5, 2008.
According to National Journal‘s White House correspondent Marc Ambinder the U.S. already has a game plan in place. “If what happened in London ever happened in the US, the military has plans — CONPLAN 3501 and 3502 — to suppress the ‘insurrection,’ hetweeted.
Following the riots of the 1960s, the U.S. Army and National Guard devised Operation Garden reported the posting of several declassified documents detailing on Operation Garden Plot back in 2009.
Annex A, section B of Operation Garden Plot defines tax protesters, militia groups, religious cults, and anti-government activists as “Disruptive Elements.”
Garden Plot is a sub program of Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, that established an undisclosed number of concentration camps in America for the internment of dissidents and other elements considered enemies of the state. It was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported upon by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987, so it is not a conspiracy theory.
Come the economic riots in America, they will once again be talking about CONPLAN 3502 and will be asking questions about Operation Garden Plot, REX 84, and any number of other operational martial law plans waiting to be activated.
And below we see yet another article on the concerns over this coming September:
IDF concerned UN vote on Palestinian state may lead to tensions with Syria
The Israel Defense Forces is readying for possible engagement with the Syrian military in September, should the latter involve itself in new attempts by Palestinians in Syria to storm the border with the Golan Heights in connection with a UN vote on recognizing a Palestinian state.
The IDF acknowledges it may be necessary to deal with Syrian military intervention in such a scenario, which could occur if Syria tried to deflect world attention from the ongoing demonstrations in that country - and their bloody suppression - by creating an incident on the border
And the last bit of interesting news today:
Increasingly Powerful Solar Storms Could Disrupt Technology on earth
Power grids, GPS systems and satellites could be among the technologies affected by surges of energy released by the sun's swelling magnetic field, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
There are multiple possible effects. Systems like GPS that rely on transmitters communicating with satellites could be disrupted by disturbances in the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles that lies between the earth's surface and the satellites' orbits. Satellites could also be slowed or thrown off course, something that Kunches pointed out would be a concern not just for people trying to navigate with their GPS' but for the defense industry's array of surveillance satellites.
Magnetic storms have caused electrical blackouts in the past. Those responsible for operating power grids will be on alert, prepared to take measures like postponing maintenance or keeping the entire grid operational so a single unit is not overwhelmed by a surging current.
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