Are these events interrelated? Are these events intentionally created? If so, are they being created for the purpose of creating big changes?
Just take a look at today's articles and the reader can decide.
First, lets take a look at how Mr Soros operates, according to his own words (video link enclosed. This is a must see)
George Soros Video: Having Fun Subverting Nations
That isn't a typo. He actually said those very words:
George Soros, again from the voracious Mouth of Soros: this time “god“ describes how he has had “a lot of fun” subverting governments and “disrupting” regimes deemed by god’s Marxist mind, “repressive.” Shucks, inevitably, folks are hurt, he says. But, “unintended,” George? Reeealyy?
His work in his words is to develop a “matrix” of “national foundations” with the one hand, and with the other “certain… specialized… activities….” As Glenn Beck has more than begun to explain and Van Jones has alluded, for us Americans, this has to do with the czar network, executive orders, legislation, and UN commitments undermining American Sovereignty, to (allegedly) clean up (perceived) messes — including messes fomented by Soros’ own certain… specialized… subversive… disruptive… activities…
Do listen to this. Over and over again, if you need to. Catch his words in his identification of, depiction of, and intentions for the United States of America.
It is Alinskyism, it is Cloward-Piven. It is Marxist Revolution 101.
With that intro, I urge you to watch the video and see what Mr Soros has to say. It isn't even a secret anymore.
With that in mind, lets take a look at the EU and where it is headed, as it seems to be condensing into a "union within a union". Additionally, take a look at who is lurking behind the scenes:
Even closer union
Germany will only consider taking on the liabilities of other eurozone nations if it also gets effective control of their economies.
The financier George Soros has supplied a suitable apocalyptic text for today’s Paris summit on the eurozone crisis. He said that if the single currency were to collapse, it would trigger an uncontrollable banking crisis that could tip the global economy into a re-run of the Great Depression of the Thirties.
Mr Soros called for the eurozone to adopt a single fiscal policy that will allow the debt burden of the weaker economies to be shared by the stronger through the issuing of “eurobonds”, an idea that George Osborne has also said is worth examining.
In other words, Germany will only consider taking on the liabilities of other eurozone nations if it also gets effective control of their economies – not only in terms of monetary policy, as now, but taxation and spending too.
Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel will have to set out a direction of travel towards greater financial coordination within the eurozone. Without that, it is hard to see how the currency union has a future.
In other words, the EU is moving rapidly towards even greater loss of national sovereignty due to the current "financial crisis".
France and Germany in 'Power Grab'
The two governments came under fire after calling for a “collective economic government” for the eurozone over the debt crisis.
The two leaders said they wanted twice-yearly meetings of the 17 heads of eurozone governments, chaired by Herman van Rompuy, president of the European Council. They also backed a tax on financial transactions.
But Ukip leader Nigel Farage hit out at the proposals. He said: “This is simply a monstrous constitutional power grab that will do nothing to solve the real economic crisis.
“Bit by bit, eurozone members are losing their sovereignty as the European superstate is created.
Nothing in these proposals will calm the markets. I am also prepared to bet that the European political elite will not ask the permission of their peoples via a referendum to make this happen.”
The article below takes on an even more ominous tone:
Rise of the Fourth Reich, how Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe
Yesterday’s crisis meeting between Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy was arranged before the participants knew of the disastrous growth figures in the Eurozone that emerged in the morning.
...there was forceful talk of Eurozone countries being coerced into balancing their budgets and reducing their debt through what Merkel and Sarkozy called a ‘true European economic government movement’ made up of all the heads of state and led, initially, by the EU President Herman Van Rompuy.
Although she will not yet admit it, this all suggests the first step has been taken towards a fiscal union that will leave Germany dictating the financial terms for the rest of Europe.
That means a complete fiscal union in which Germany, as the EU’s most powerful economy and principal paymaster, makes the rules and makes them unbreakable.
Be in no doubt what fiscal union means: it is one economic policy, one taxation system, one social security system, one debt, one economy, one finance minister. And all of the above would be German
The alternative is the massive surrender of sovereignty to Germany by the rest of the Eurozone that would allow the economic policy of Greece, Ireland and Portugal to be made in Berlin.
That would reassure the markets, but it would also remove any pretence of democracy in those 16 countries: for once you have lost control of your economy, you have lost your sovereignty.
Below, we see a related article, and one paragraph stands out in bold print:
When a Civilization Goes Mad
The gradual but unrelenting insinuation of socialist and neo-Marxist doctrine into the liberal West, after it has been reliably shown to falter or collapse wherever it has been implemented, is still another index of severe mental disconnect and maladjustment to reality.
Command economies are proven to be inefficient, and the welfare state, predicated on the punitive taxation of a shrinking and increasingly insolvent productive base to subsidize ever-inflating entitlement programs, has been properly described as a gigantic Ponzi scheme.
Redistributionist and womb-to-tomb security states, as Margaret Thatcher famously said, will eventually run out of other people’s money. Nevertheless, this ideological will-o’-the-wisp continues to be diligently pursued.
And the above description reveals exactly why the world faces a financial crisis. Despite the facts above, the U.S. continues to rush headlong into the same failed ideas and policies, only the U.S. is doing so at light speed.
Are we on the verge of seeing an escalation of "Big Crisis = Big Change" in America?
Below we can see how Europe/UK style rioting is being planned for the U.S.
The questions become "why?" and "by whom"?
The first article below serves as a brief introduction:
Days Before Rage: Blogging the Global Insurrection Game
The Bound are running to and fro, collecting and analyzing intel on the fake-anarchist Marxist malcontents putting these events together. We are checking out not only the pawns, but the upper echelons of entrepreneurial neo-Marxists up the ladder, clear up to the wealthiest 1% (of 1%, of 1%, of 1%) trying to finish the job of destroying America. They brought us the “Arab Spring.” What is this supposed to be, the “American Fall?”
Now lets look at the details, the players and the basis of the coming riots:
Wall Street targeted for Britian-style riots
Just looking at the main players behind these coming riots should be quite revealing:
In the wake of Britain's riots, a group of American radicals are planning a "Day of Rage" targeting Wall Street and U.S. capitalism.
The upcoming protests, replete with a planned tent city in downtown Manhattan, is closely tied to the founders of ACORN and leaders of major U.S. unions, including the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU.
There are indications the protesters are training to incite violence, resist arrest and disrupt the legal system.
The protest aims to take root nationwide.
Planners have their own website – – which tells protesters to "bring your own tent."
The use of the term "Day of Rage" recalls the "Days of Rage" organized in the 1960s by the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization co-founded by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, close associates for years of President Obama.
Numerous radicals, many with direct ties to Obama, are linked to planned protests and other activism scheduled for the coming months.
In March, ACORN founder Wade Rathke announced what he called "days of rage in ten cities around JP Morgan Chase." Rathke was president of an SEIU local in New Orleans.
The planned Sept. 17 protest seems to be the culmination of Rathke's efforts.
And this:
Those efforts are being organized by Stephen Lerner, an SEIU board member who reportedly visited the Obama White House at least four times.
Lerner is considered one of the most capable organizers of the radical left. He recently organized the SEIU's so-called Justice for Janitors campaign.
As part of his planned protests, Lerner called for "a week of civil disobedience, direct action all over the city."
His stated aim is to "destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement."
Also see these tidbits:
WND reported Heather Booth, director of a Saul Alinsky-style community organizing group, the MidwestAcademy, was among the main speakers at the "2011 State Battles Summit" in June at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Booth's husband, Paul, also was a speaker at the union summit. Paul Booth co-founded Midwest Academy in the 1970s.
Obama himself once funded Midwest Academy. He has been closely tied to Heather Booth.
Booth has stated building a ''progressive majority'' would help for ''a fair distribution of wealth and power and opportunity."
Discover the Networks describes Midwest as "teach[ing] tactics of direct action, confrontation and intimidation."
The preception of "crisis" whether real or perceived usually leads to big changes.
We are watching the EU respond it its financial crisis - and the question becomes, "Are we watching the transition into the "10 kings" stage in the development of the revived Roman Empire, as described in Daniel 2 and 7?
And, the next question becomes, "Are we watching a 'big crisis' being created in the U.S. in order to undermine the global power-status of the U.S.?
Whatever happens next, we now know that these crises are not coincidence and they are not accidents. Whether seizing upon long-term problems that have been created by the welfare state - which have now been recognized as unsustainable - OR - whether these crises have been intentionally triggered (again, as described by Mr Soros) - the end result is the same: A world governance and a world economy is clearly in view.
All of this is 100% consistent with biblical prophecy.
We're watching the continual evolution of global events into the world that we know will exist during the Tribulation.
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