Market rout deepens global economic crisis
The global economy stumbled deeper into crisis as stock markets slumped further on Tuesday, with investors losing confidence that the United States and Europe can rein in their debt burdens quickly and avert a double-dip recession.
The worsening market trauma has piled pressure on the U.S. Federal Reserve to announce fresh measures of support for the U.S. economy at a regular policy meeting on Tuesday, but analysts said its options are limited.
"You have got to a situation of capitulation and panic selling, and these things will keep running until we get some sort of policy response," said Peter Hickson, managing director of global commodity research at UBS.
Investors fear that, with confidence in the global economy's prospects evaporating, financial markets will remain in a slump, feeding a vicious circle of pessimism.
Civilization's End
This lawless materialism is the essence of the welfare state. “Loot as much as you can, or someone else will.” If you don’t grab government benefits or sneakers in store windows, someone else will. The rich are grabbing, the pols are grabbing—time to queue up and loot your share. Communism made this way of thinking so commonplace that all of Russia became one black market. And we are not far behind.
An understated civil war is already raging in Europe, between Muslim and African immigrants and the society they have penetrated. The conflict has made a mockery of the social controls of Europe. Put surveillance cameras on every street, and we’ll don masks and turn out in numbers. Run your DNA banks and see how much luck you have when entire streets are burning. Outlaw knives and we’ll bring our Molotov cocktails.
A disregard for the civilization becomes a disregard for its laws. And that leaves self-interest as the only hedge against anarchy. But what interest do people who do not work for a living have in preserving the businesses of others? None at all. As far as they are concerned, smash a store, it will collect the insurance, and reopen, or another will open up in its place. And even if it doesn’t, then so what? It’s not “our businesses” anyway.
Will There Be War?
An American credit downgrade. Europe in turmoil. Israel menaced by an Iran with nuclear ambitions. Mexican drug cartels run amok. Chinese ghost cities. With each passing day the news gets worse. To my amateur historian's eye, we seem to be drowning under the greatest flood of crisis, both international and domestic, since the 1930s. We all know how that ended. Will it be possible, in terrible 2010s, to resolve the world's problems without war?
About a decade ago, The National Review's John Derbyshire wrote that the odds of us, or our children, dying in a "genuine mass-mobilization-type, carriers-going-down-with-all-hands-type, flattened-cities-type war" were higher than most people believed.
Yet, even a decade ago, it was clear to some that we were headed towards some sort of cataclysm. Nations all over the world have made promises that, because they have been undermined by demographic change, cannot possibly be kept. It was always clear that, eventually, the laws of fixed numbers would catch up with us and that there would be a day of judgement.
The world's problems are so entrenched and so far-reaching that it seems doubtful that they will be resolved without the resort by some to the expedient of war. Worse, it now seems possible that a cascade of conflict will wash over the entire world as it did some seven decades ago.
London Bridges Falling Down - Why?
Another night of fiery riots in London. Scores of homes and businesses looted and destroyed. Innocents beaten, robbed, and humiliated. Most of the rioters and looters are young, teenagers. Of course, one wonders why London and other British cities are seeing outbreaks of mob action and lawlessness.
And, one might add, it points to the British welfare state as a culprit and expression of the emptiness of progressive society. Young people who are all too accustomed to government handouts have been denied the opportunites and incentives to develop initiative to build independence and self-worth through their own efforts. The state is a layer atop a degraded culture that has made British streets mean and brutish.
The Annihilation of Civilizations
Today we see another approach to dealing with the Islam of annihilation. We ignore the history of annihilation and say that all we need to do is love Muslims and we will live in harmony, a wonderful multicultural civilization. A history of 1400 years without a single exception to the rule of annihilation and we will repeal it with a smile and a hug.
All you need is love; love is all you need; all you need is love; love is all you need. Repeat that again and again, it will make a doctrine and history of annihilation go away. Actually, the way it works is that the history is never known. It is a cliché to say that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It is a cliché but it is true. We have our foot on the path to annihilation today because we refuse to know history.
What is the lesson? Islam, peaceful Islam, is about destruction of all Kafir civilization. Only if the Kafirs realize the goal of Islam is annihilation of their culture, can the destruction be stopped. Islam is at war with Kafirs, and Kafirs are trying to "nice” their way out of destruction. Islam is at war, we are at nice. Mohammed has a dream that is coming true while we sleep.
Islam's Assault on the West
On this week's edition of the Stakelbeck on Terror show, CBN News takes an in-depth look at Islam's advance in the West and beyond.
Watch for more on the Muslim Brotherhood-connected mega-mosque that's turning a quiet residential neighborhood in Brooklyn upside down.
Plus, something's rotten in Denmark. See how the Danes are struggling to deal with their radical Islam problem.
CBN News also visits Israel to examine a Palestnian law that calls for the death of any Arab who sells land to a Jew.
And we head to Russia to see why some are calling Moscow an Islamic city.
Video: Muslim Immigration Destroying sweden
Malmo, Sweden has been overrun by Islam. Muslims refuse to integrate into Swedish society while they live off of and deplete the system. They intimidate the police, Swedish citizens.. they even threw rocks at firefighters who were trying to put out a fire set to their mosque!
Bail-outs chip away at France and Germany too
Investors have begun to question whether France and Germany can credibly underwrite the debts of southern Europe without losing their AAA ratings and succumbing to the crisis themselves.
"What is happening is momentous," said Andrew Roberts, credit chief at RBS. "The more Europe steps in to buy Italian and Spanish debt, the more Germany shifts towards the group of countries that could be attacked."
Criticism is mounting in Germany over the authoritarian creep of the Europe's crisis measures. Otmar Issing, the ECB's former chief economist and the country's most authoritative voice on the euro, said the EMU project was spinning out of control.
Far from evolving into an authentic fiscal union with "a European government controlled by a European Parliament, elected according to democratic principles", it is turning into a deformed creature where moral hazard is unchecked and the EU is intruding on sovereign matters.
The world indeed seems just on the brink as we approach the Tribulation - a world that we should have fully anticipated at this particular time in history. In order to accept a world leader (not to mention the "mark of the beast") and a world government (a "world dictatorship" would be a more appropriate description) and all of the draconian measures which will accompany this dictatorship - then it makes sense that only a desperate, crumbling world would accept such a leader.
We are rapidly approaching that time - the point in history in which the world will not only accept such a leader, but a world that will actually cry out for and embrace such a leader.
We're almost there.
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