Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

U.S. to Formally Rebuke Israel

Forget about the complete "lies and distortions" that are tied up in the whole idea of "settlements" in Israel - an Arab State and radical Islam myth which has been propagated by the media and the enemies of Israel. The facts are irrelevant in today's world. We already know this.

But now we see the early stages of the U.S. abandonment of Israel, and this act, according to the biblical scriptures will be viewed negatively by God Himself.

In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council

The U.S. informed Arab governments Tuesday that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity," a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.

The only problem with that is - God gave that land to Israel. Period. It is not to be "taken away" by anyone, including the U.S.
Again, this is based on lies and distortions and we are rapidly becoming part of "the nations" who are opposed to Israel. Exactly as we would expect in these last days.

Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, outlined the new U.S. offer in a closed door meeting on Tuesday with the Arab Group, a bloc of Arab countries from North Africa and the Middle East. In exchange for scuttling the Palestinian resolution, the United States would support the council statement, consider supporting a U.N. Security Council visit to the Middle East, the first since 1979, and commit to supporting strong language criticizing Israel's settlement policies in a future statement by the Middle East Quartet.

The U.S. concession comes as the Middle East is facing a massive wave of popular demonstrations that have brought down the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt and are posing a challenge to governments in Algeria, Bahrain, and Iran.

Policy Reversal: U.S. Announces Rebuke of Israel Before the UN Security Council

On Friday, the United States informed Arab governments that it intends to support a U.N. Security Council resolution stating that it “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” a move that U.S. diplomats hoped would help bypass a veto dispute over a stronger Palestinian resolution which would condemn the settlements as illegal.

The Palestinian delegation, along with the council’s Arab member Lebanon, have asked the council’s president this evening to schedule a meeting on Friday. But it remained unclear whether the Palestinian move today is simply a negotiating tactic aimed at extracting a better deal from the United States.

U.S. to join UN Security Council Rebuke of Israel

Foreign policy will be a much bigger issue in 2012 than anyone thought, my friends.

This’ll be spun as something they planned to do all along, but there’s no way Obama’s going to risk upsetting fragile relations with Egypt right now knowing that the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-American factions are looking for a pretext to tilt the country (further) against us at a decisive moment.

Mind you, this comes on a day when (a) Egypt’s youth movement is calling for a halt to gas shipments to Israel, (b) Jordan’s(!) justice minister is describing Israel as “an enemy and a terrorist state,” and (c) Iran is sending warships through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean to flaunt its new post-Mubarak leverage in the region.

As far as Iranian ships into the Suez Canal, this update just in:

Iran warships cancel request to cross Suez Canal

Iranian ships not seen among daily convoy after Lieberman calls the planned transit a "provocation;" US, Israel monitoring movement of warships; ships rerouted through Saudi Arabia.

A senior Suez Canal official says two Iranian warships have withdrawn their application to transit the waterway following expressions of concern by Israel over the plans.

The official said no reason was given for Thursday's decision to withdraw the application. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, also said it was not known if the vessels intended to transit the waterway at a later date.

Speaking at a meeting in Jerusalem of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Lieberman lashed out at the international community, which he said was not doing enough to confront Iranian provocations.

He also said he expected the world to “put the Iranians in their place. We are the true allies of the United States in the region, and the only ones that share its values. The international community needs to understand that Israel will not be able to ignore these provocations forever.”

Back to the U.S. voting with the Arab block at the UN Security Council and against Israel. God is unambiguous about how He views such actions:

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you
and whoever curses you, I will curse...

(Genesis 12:2-3).

Any questions?

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