Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Iran + Egypt

Its hard to know exactly how to finish that equation. My guess would be Iran + Egypt = Bad News for Israel.

Joel Rosenberg addresses this new alignment:

Khamenei Says Egyptians Inspired by the Iranian Revolution: Why the Radicals want Egypt

If Egypt falls into the hands of the Radicals, this will be a disaster of historic proportions. Egypt and Iran would be the Twin Towers of the epicenter, two nations that have collapsed at the hands of the jihadists who are determined to rebuild the Islamic caliphate and usher in the End of Days, even if many in our foreign policy establishment don’t recognize this.

In many ways, Egypt and Iran could not be more different. Egypt is ethnically Arab and spiritually Sunni. Iran is ethnically Persian and spiritually Shia. Traditionally, Arabs and Persians have hated each other. So have Sunnis and Shias. But now they are coming together for two common objectives:

1. To surround Israel, destroy the Jews, and capture Jerusalem for Islam.
2. To surround the Arabian peninsula, destroy the “apostate” House of Saud regime, and capture control of Mecca and Medina.

This is why the Iranian regime is so excited by what is happening in Egypt, and determined to help where and how they can.

“Uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia will spell an ‘irreparable defeat’ for the United States, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday, adding that the recent wave of unrest sweeping through the Mideast was a result of Iran’s Islamic Revolution,” reports Reuters and Haaretz.

Today’s events in North of Africa, Egypt, Tunisia and certain other countries have another sense for the Iranian nation. They have special meaning. This is the same as ‘Islamic awakening,’ which is the result of the victory of the big revolution of the Iranian nation,” the Supreme Leader was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying.

“Speaking with worshippers during Friday prayers in Tehran, Khamenei said that ‘if they [protesters] are able to push this through then what will happen to the U.S. policies in the region will be an irreparable defeat for America

Iran's influence is becoming more and more extensive. Now, with the Hezbollah takeover of Lebanon, Iran essentially controls Lebanon (certainly as far as Israel is concerned), and we have known for years how Syria is under Iran's influence. Recently, we have seen Turkey become aligned with Iran. With this most recent situation, we may be on the brink of seeing Israel's southern border under Iranian influence.

Iran has been on quite a run lately. And when we consider Iran we must always remember that their leadership firmly believe in the return of the Mahdi - but only during a time of intense conflict in the Middle East. Ahmadinejad firmly believes he is that person to bring about the conditions for the Mahdi's return.

This idea doesn't require speculation by a prophecy watcher - Ahmadinejad has made these statements for years now. There is no hidden agenda involved here. The intentions of Iran's leadership have been made abundantly clear.

As mentioned before I believe there will be a battle or brief war waged between Israel and their "immediate" enemies. The geographical "inner circle", including some combination of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and terrorists from Gaza and perhaps the West Bank. Some prophecy watchers see Psalm 83 in play under this scenario. Regardless of Psalm 83, I believe this battle/war takes place first. The destruction of Isaiah 17 would come in play during this scenario.

The above seems to be a ripe entry into the epic battle of Gog-MaGog, which involves the geographical "outer circle" of Iran, Turkey, Northern Africa, Russia and most likely fighters from a variety of regions who have spilled in order to fight against Israel ("the many nations").

With a little more speculation (and all of this is speculation - but based upon interpretation of certain scriptures) - one could see the conditions perfect for the covenant of Daniel 9:27, which also serves as the identifying mark of the antichrist. And the beginning of the Tribulation.

But who knows. What we do know is that we are approaching the Tribulation much more rapidly today than we were several weeks ago. Events in the Middle East are taking place at breathtaking speed now and show no sign of slowing down. Kind of like birth pains - when its time to leave the house and head to the hospital. When the pains are undeniably progressing and will not slow down or abate. Thats where we seem to be now, prophetically. We're reaching the last stages.

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