Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

The Newest Plan

This one comes in from Jan Markell's site - which provides some excellent commentaries:

Man's Quest to Become God: The Newest Plan

What you are about to read sounds like a new spin-off episode of Star Trek, but it is not. It is really happening in real time with real people, and it will very likely have a tremendous impact on the future of our world and on the seven-year Tribulation period that is fast approaching.

Our subject is Transhumanism: The development of the post-human or neo-human. In an article in his quarterly publication, "Forcing Change," Carl Teichrib, long-time researcher and writer on globalization, explains, "Based on the premise that evolution is true, Transhumanism looks to shape the human species through the direct application of science . . .

"By employing technology we can take hold of the evolutionary process and change it as we desire, thus becoming masters of our future."

Of course, to a prophecy watcher, this is laughable, but the point is - there are people in the world who actually believe this.

According to Teichrib, the Mormon Transhumanist Association (MTA) lists such "benefits" of this pseudo-science as highly advanced intellectual capabilities; bodies immune to disease and aging; communication without speech or visual aids and en masse; and superhuman strength and agility, to name a few. The means to this end include DNA manipulation, brain-computer interfacing, and injections of nanobot technology to manipulate human tissue.

As Teichrib points out, "While the future is being played within laboratories and technical institutes, the foundation of Transhumanism rests on an ancient desire:

Man becoming deity." It is, in effect, "the technical quest for the Holy Grail, Ascension through engineering."

For a Christian, this is stunning. Man's arrogance never fails does it? And such arrogance goes back to the beginning of man on this earth.

"Mark Pesce, a co-inventor of 3-D interfacing for the Worldwide Web and a panelist and judge on ABC's show The New Inventors, puts it this way, 'Now we will reach into the improbable, re-sequence ourselves into a new Being, de-bugging the natural state, translating ourselves into supernatural, incorruptible, eternal. There is no God but Man.'"

During a Q&A session at a conference on Transhumanism hosted by the MTA, the comment was made in Techrib's hearing that, "We are now at a Tower of Babel return point -- anything we imagine, we can do. There is nothing out of our grasp now" (see Gen. 11:6).

Perhaps this person should read about what actually happened at the Tower of Babel.

The desire for man to become god is an ancient ambition and demonically rooted (Genesis 3). It should be no surprise, as we race pell-mell toward the culmination of history, that an adaptation of this objective has been remade in a palatable format for today's techno-gurus and false theologians.

It is one thing to consider that pagan humanity is attempting this feat. It is another to consider that broad sections of those who call themselves Christian are succumbing to this satanic lie.

It smacks of Paul's words to the Romans, "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man," (Rom. 1:22-23).

But Paul also had words to the church in Thessolonica: "And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (II Thess. 2:11-12).

What strikes me about this mindset which prevails today in a highly pagan society, is the fact that when the Tribulation arrives, such individuals will be grossly unprepared and will find themselves in complete shock.

According to the apostle Paul:

"for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying 'Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3).

As God Himself declared in Ezekiel 39:8, "It is coming! It will surely take place..."

All we can do now, as prophecy watchers, is to continue being the "watchman on the wall" and sound the alerts. If people ignore or fail to listen to such warnings now, perhaps they will remember our words in their future and take the necessary steps to enter the light. We can only hope and pray.

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