Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Ahmadinejad Back in the News

You can say what you want about Iran's President, but at least he is consistent (if not ironic):

Ahmadinejad calls for Mideast without Israel and US

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Egypt's popular uprising shows a new Middle East is emerging, one that will have no signs of Israel and US "interference."

The Iranian president spoke as the country marked the 32nd anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. His remarks came hours after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak refused to step down, angering hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who have been demanding he relinquish his three-decade grip on power.

Ahmadinejad says Egyptians have the right to live in freedom and choose their own government.

Ahhhh. The rich irony of that statement. Let us recall the past:

Iran crushed opposition protests against Ahmadinejad's disputed 2009 re-election and on Thursday, Iranian opposition leader Mahdi Karroubi was placed under house arrest because of calls for a rally in support of Egyptian protesters.

Of course, the truth was never part of his plan. More irony:

On Thursday, Iranian opposition leader Mahdi Karroubi announced via his website, Sahamnews.org, that he has been placed under house arrest, because he called for a rally in support of anti-government demonstrations in Egypt.

Ahmadinejad: Egypt unrest hails a Mideast without U.S., Israel

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Egypt's popular uprising shows a new Middle East is emerging, one that will have no signs of Israel and U.S. "interference."

It would be funny if Ahmadinejad wasn't so determined to destroy Israel in order to bring about the return of the Mahdi - who, in his view will begin a world reign of Islamic Sharia Law - coupled with the fact that he considers himself as sort of a Muslim version of John the Baptist. Not to mention the fact that he is racing towards nuclear weapons.

Ahmadinejad is another end times player that we have to watch constantly. After all, Iran is a big part of the invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38-39 and Ahmadinejad seems like the perfect leader to participate.

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