Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

The EU Gains More Central Control

Jane Burgermeister, an investigative journalist who has gained fame by exposing the toxicity of certain seasonal flu vaccines and has written extensively about the various problems associated with the swine flu vaccine. As it turns out, she was correct in terms of her investigative work involving the swine flu vaccine and she usually reports information with an array of facts and references(profile).

As usual, I don't endorse the site nor agree with everything posted, but there are some interesting commentaries regarding not only vaccines, but some of the interesting news coming from Europe.

All Wages, Pensions, Welfare and Taxes in Eurozone To Be Controlled By New, Unelected Body: Europe To Become Planned Economy Like China

A plan by Germany and France to enforce the same labour, welfare, pension and economic policies across the entire eurozone by decree was unveiled in Brussels on Friday.

Below is a summary of these policies:

*Germany and France to control all wages, taxes, pensions and welfare benefits across the eurozone under new plan unveiled in Brussels

*Economic coordination will result in a planned economy and ineficiency, economic experts say

*People of Europe will have no say in the transfer of control over their pensions, wages and taxes to central authority, national leaders to decide

This interesting but not unexpected. As stated, we are watching the road being paved to the Tribulation, and we are seeing an infrastructure being set up for complete control:

Economist Hans-Werner Sinn from Germany’s Ifo said that the attempt to introduce new binding agreements on labour costs, taxes and pensions that would apply to every single citizen in every single country in the eurozone, amounted to introducing a planned economy that will promote inefficiency.

They claim their push for economic convergence in the euro monetary union without a political union and without any opportunity by the people of Europe to have a say...

But experts say their plan is a way of introducing through the back door the transfer union and Eurobonds benefitting banks at the expense of ordinary people .

The plan also includes a binding indicator for labour productively and labour unit costs across Europe ie the amount of money every person earning working in a specific job sector is to be set centrally across Europe.

That represents a lot of control by the EU over its member nations. And as mentioned, these are unelected positions, serving under a treaty/constitution which wasn't ratified by the citizens of the EU. That is always worth remembering at times like this.

Scrapping the link between annual wage increases and inflation will mean that wages will fall in real terms across Europe, leaving people with even less money to spend and so fire up the economy.

Far from boosting the economy, the measures unveiled will, in fact, accelerate Europe’s transformation into a centrally planned, labour Gulag such as in China. It is not just in Germany but all across Europe that salaries have been decimated.

I can’t see people of Europe allowing a centralised bureaucracy set up by governments in Berlin and Paris to cut their pensions and wages in order to give yet more to the banks and corporations – not after these same governments aided the banks in an engineered financial crisis that wrecked economies, and plunged nations into debt.

I suspect Europeans will share that view.

Not the Irish for sure. Even tame politicians and newspapers like Enda Kenny and the Irish Times are comparing the brutal take-over of the Irish economy by the German and EU bankers via an enforced 85 billion euro loan with the armed conflicts of Leningrad and the Easter Rising.

How much longer will the people of Europe put up with this?

It is fascinating to watch the evolution of the EU.

We've already seen their growing interest in Israel and their creation of military forces which can be sent to various places for border control - and already suggesting that such forces could be used once a "PA State" is determined, if not earlier at the Gaza border.

Now we watch their use of "central control" growing into a situation of more and more power in the hands of fewer and fewer officials.

Soon, a single individual will emerge and assume complete control. The stage is being set for his arrival.

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