Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

In the news:

On a relatively quiet news day, there are still a few interesting stories:

Huge volcano under Yellowstone Park rising

The huge volcano under Yellowstone National Park has been rising at an unprecedented rate during the past several years, according to a new study.

The recent rising is unprecedented for Yellowstone's caldera — the cauldron-shaped part of the volcano — but it's not uncommon for other volcanoes around the world. The new study has simply revealed a more active caldera at Yellowstone than scientists realized.

Volcanologists look at several indicators when deciding whether an eruption is looming, Klemetti said. Warning signs typically include an increase in earthquakes under the volcano, changes in the gases being emitted, change in the volcano's shape, and steam and heat escaping from the top.

Israel may have to attack Iran, retired Israeli general says

“No one in Israel likes the idea of attacking Iran. If you fail to stop Iran, someone has to do it,” said Maj.-Gen. Yaakov Amidror, who addressed more than 50 ambassadors and senior diplomats attending Bar-Ilan University’s fifth Ambassadors’ Forum last week.

They have hundreds of missiles and Hezbollah. It’ll be a cruel war against the populated areas of Israel,” said Amidror, who served primarily in IDF intelligence for 36 years. “But maybe what should have been achieved in 2006 – destroying Hezbollah’s capabilities – will now be achieved. Now Lebanon is Hezbollah and Hezbollah is Lebanon. This is the great failure of the free world.”

On the other hand, he agreed with Amidror that current sanctions against Iran won’t work if the world community doesn’t become more serious about them. Therefore, he argued, it might be better to drop the sanctions and bomb Natanz, where Iran’s central uranium enrichment facility is located.

Egypt's economy close to meltdown. Military coup near

The biggest Arab country with a population of 82 million is on the verge of breakdown as large sections of is economic machinery are shut down by spreading strikes and workers' revolts against managements appointed by the Mubarak regime and Vice President Omar's Suleiman's leadership.

Egypt's foreign minister Abul Gheit said that the only way to save Egypt is for the army to step in. He rejected US demands for an immediate repeal of emergency law and accused Washington of trying to impose its will on Cairo and its advice was "unhelpful."

A high-ranking US source in Washington told DEBKAfile's sources that the situation in Egypt is so appalling that a military takeover of the regime is no longer a threat but the only hope of rescuing Egypt from economic meltdown. Yet at this critical moment, he said, "the Egyptian army appears to have no figure capable of saving Egypt."

Vice President Omar Suleiman warned a group of Egyptian news editors that the only choice is between a descent into further lawlessness and a military takeover in Cairo.

We are witnessing the collapse of the Middle East

If Egypt should fall, it will mark the beginning of the end for what little remaining stability there is in the Middle East. Jordan is facing similar unrest, as is Algeria and Yemen. Lebanon and Tunisia fell in January. It is highly unlikely that these events are unrelated. A combination of leftist and Islamist forces provoked the protests, and we are likely looking at a ring of radical Islamic states rising up to surround Israel.

Once their power is solidified, they will combine forces to attack Israel. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood has already said that Egypt should prepare for war with Israel. If Israel falls, the United States will stand alone in a sea of virulent enemies and impotent allies.

That last article is highly consistent with biblical prophecy. "Once their power is solidified, they will combine forces to attack Israel". We know from biblical prophecy that this is exactly what will happen. Probably sooner rather than later.

And this article further reveals this aspect:

Who are Egypt's Protesters?

AlJazeera, CNN, BBC, and many more have flooded our TV screens showing us the passionate youth of Egypt struggling in the streets for democracy. Quotations, videos, photographs and narratives have moved people all around the world. Millions of Egyptians, it was claimed by AlJazeera, took to the streets on the "Day of Departure." BBC's Jon Leyne said it seemed as if "all of Egypt" had come to Tahrir Square. It was a glorious time to be alive for many, almost like living amongst the pages of a Hollywood script.

But, like a Hollywood script, after a terribly short, finite amount of time and brain numbing suspended disbelief, the credits begin to roll and we see who was responsible for the entertaining tale we just watched.

It has been well established who Mohamed ElBaradei is. Sitting as a trustee on the US foreign policy think-tank International Crisis Group, he lied and betrayed his nation by feigning contempt for American foreign policy as he openly consorted with the very men who produced it.

Americans are under the impression he just "flew back" to Egypt. Closer to the truth is that Mohamed ElBaradei had been in Egypt since February 2010 campaigning for the November 2010 Egyptian elections.

He of course lost those elections, but not before assembling several groups under his "National Front for Change." They included the April 6 Movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, members of the Democratic Front Party and a troupe of popular Egyptian entertainment personalities.

If April 6's year long support of ElBaradei isn't suspicious enough, perhaps its support from Movement.org, partnered with the US State Department is.The tentacles of the globocratic elite sponsoring Movement.org include Google (CFR), Pepsi (CFR), Omnicom Group (CFR), and MTV.

The globocrat elite then entirely depend on the inevitability of the world's emotions getting the better of them, evoking knee-jerk reactions and instant sympathy for these protesters. Suspended disbelief sets in and the globocrats sprint through another several legs of their nefarious, self-serving agenda. Its almost too ridiculous to believe, and surely enough to make one sick. And now that we know who the protesters are, it should be self-evident as to why we should care.

Egyptian protesters should demand Islamic law says Al-Qaeda

A group which is a front for al-Qaeda has called for an Islamic state of Egypt.

The group, The Islamic State of Iraq, has called on protesters in Egypt to overthrow the current establishment and push for a government which promotes Islamic law.

A US-based Middle East watching group has intercepted a statement on an Islamic Web site, which calls on "every able-bodied man" in Egypt to open "the doors of martyrdom."

The statement urges Egyptians to ignore the old ways of "secularism, democracy and rotten pagan nationalism."

We are seeing everything falling into place. The world is shaping up exactly as biblical prophecy would dictate. And it is happening before our very eyes.

During these days, the truth is found by viewing the world through the lens of the prophetic scriptures. The apostle Peter must have known this, as he wrote these words:

"And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as a light shining in a dark place.." (2 Peter 1:19)

Such true words. The world is becoming darker and darker but at the same time, in this darkness, the light of the scriptures then appear brighter and brighter. After all, a candle shining in a dark room appears much lighter than the same candle in a well lit room.

In today's world, we are indeed in a dark place. A dark place that simply makes the prophetic scriptures shine brightly - as a beacon for us to follow and to obtain the hope and encouragement that the apostle Paul discussed in his letters to the Thessalonians.

Amen. Hope and encouragement - exactly as intended. The prophetic scriptures serve as our light during these dark days, and as the apostle Peter stated "you will do well to pay attention to it".

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