Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

The Revived Roman Empire back in the Picture

Despite overwhelming evidence that the so-called "peace process" (aka "forcing Israel to give up more land and agree to indefensible borders") is dead (well, at least for now), the EU won't let it go. Predictable.

EU's Ashton Pressing for 'Peace' Talks

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Tuesday that the international community still sought to achieve a peace deal and a Palestinian Authority state by September, despite the revolutionary turmoil in the Middle East.

AFP reported that Ashton also voiced her belief that a deal was still reachable in spite of the deadlock in Israeli-PA peace talks and the resignation of the PA cabinet as well as Saab Erekat, its chief negotiator.

Ashton flew into the Land of Israel for a one-day visit aimed reportedly aimed at "galvanizing both sides into restarting peace negotiations which hit an impasse late September." Her visit comes in the wake of a recent initiative by Russia to have the UN Security Council send a delegation to the Middle East to try and restart Israeli-PA talks.

The restarting of the failed talks appears to be an urgent priority for many members of the EU and UN, despite the hectic political situation in the region and saber-rattling by Iran.

And you gotta love this quote:

Ashton met Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Tuesday. Voice of Israel government-run radio Israeli quoted Liberman as telling her that the international community must find a way to block Iran's nuclear ambitions before asking Israel to make concessions to the PA.

Come on. Who cares about nuclear threats to Israel, when we have a peace deal to force Israel into agreeing to? (Or not...We also have the proposal to create these borders without Israel's approval too - we can't forget that)

A "peace deal" which will include the West Bank, the Golan Heights, a land strip dividing Israel and a division of Jerusalem?

A nuclear threat against Israel?

As engineered by a radical Islamist who is sworn to destroy Israel?

Someone who believes that he will bring about the Mahdi who will finish the job, if needed, and then bring the world to Sharia Law?

Who cares?

We have a peace deal to force down the throats of Israel.

Trivial matters such as Israel's destruction are irrelevant in today's world.

Not to worry though. God is watching these events closely and He is waiting until the very last moment - a moment in which Israel has nowhere to turn - except to God for their protection. And God will come through in a very big way.

Just read Ezekiel 38-39 - it tells the whole story.

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