Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

In the news:

Once again, Iran makes a surprising announcement under the category of "War Preparations" and "Wars and rumors of war":

World panics over Iran's new 'super' missiles

Iran has made yet another announcement about the development of a new type of weapon. The Iranian administration claimed that it was going to launch the mass production of new ballistic missiles.

According to Chief Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the missiles, called the Persian Gulf, develop the speed of 3,675 kilometers an hour and strike targets at a range of 300 kilometers. Jafari also stated, in a classic Iranian manner, that the new missile was unreachable for enemies.

This is undoubtedly a huge success for the Islamic Republic, and it makes one recollect Iran’s previous achievements in the field of defense. Indeed, Teheran has achieved a lot at this point. It has supposedly started building own destroyers and frigates, not to mention state-of-the-art aircraft and air defense systems.

What is more, Iran releases statements about the development of new types of arms on a regular basis. Iranian officials persistently claim that all of their systems surpass all foreign analogues in all respects.

The Gog-MaGog alliance is continuing to make preparations for war. While the article points out the fact that these Iranian weapons (despite the Iranian hype) are actually clones of older weapons from China and Russia:

Most of the arms, which the Iranians advertise, have been ripped off from China, and China, as it is well-known, makes copies of Russian weapons. The quality of Chinese rip-offs is a lot lower than that of Russian weapons, and one can only imagine what the Iranians produced.

The reality doesn't matter, What matters, prophetically, is what Iran believes that their capabilities are, and does Iran believe that they are sufficiently prepared to participate in a full-scale attack on Israel. That is what really matters, and I believe that they do believe they are prepared for such a battle.

That turns our attention back to Egypt and current developments there:

Is Egypt experiencing a silent military coup?

A feeling of jubilation, of history in the making, envelops all. But the big questions now begin to drift in the air, and the euphoria is expected to dissipate.

Suleiman announced on Saturday that all of the President's responsibilities have been passed on to the High Council of the Egyptian armed forces. This was in contradiction to remarks about the transfer of power to the Vice-President made by Mubarak and Suleiman himself on Thursday.

An Egyptian News Agency reported that the Friday announcement that the army is taking over the powers of the president came after the army gave Mubarak an ultimatum to leave. Are we witnessing a silent military coup? It's not clear.

Another issue which remains unclear is the relationship between the army council, headed by Defense Minster Hussein Tantawi, and the man who is supposedly the number two man in the civilian government, Vice-President Omar Suleiman.

Transferring power from the president to the army high council in essence annuls the constitution. The army may announce the dissolution of parliament even on Saturday. The question is when, if ever, new elections will take place, and what political parties will take part? Or, in other words, are we looking at a new army junta, or a temporary stage preparing the way for democracy?

The fact is, no one really knows. My bet is that regardless of who assumes power in Egypt, they will be anti-Israel and will break the current treaty. We shall see.

Debka weighs in on the implications for Israel:

Israel's military caught unready for Sinai front

Thirty-two years of peace with Egypt leave Israel militarily unprepared for the unknown and unexpected on their 270-kilometer long southern border: the current generation of Israeli combatants and commanders has no experience of desert combat, its armor is tailored for operation on its most hostile fronts: Iran, Lebanon's Hizballah and Syria; it is short of intelligence on the Egyptian army and its commanders and, above all, no clue to the new rulers' intentions regarding Cairo's future relations with Israel and security on their Sinai border.

This article takes a look at the internal power struggle:

Israel is counting on Gen. Omar Suleiman - overlord of Egypt's intelligence branches and for eight days, Mubarak's Vice President - to keep faith after many years of close cooperation in safeguarding the peace relationship. Suleiman is one of the top three members of the High Army Council now ruling Egypt, alongside Defense Minister Field Marshal Mohammed Tantawi and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Sami Al-Anan.

So it looks like a power struggle between Suleiman and Defense Minister Mohammed Tantawi. Right now, with the backing of the military, Tantawi seems to have the edge. What does this mean for Israel?

Israel may be barking up the wrong tree. When Suleiman was elevated to VP, Jerusalem hoped he would come out of the Egyptian uprising as the coming man. Friday, Mubarak's resignation left him stripped of his new title.

Suleiman and Tantawi have long been rivals

Since Tantawi is no fan of Israel, Suleiman may decide to promote his own chances by avoiding being seen as overly pro-Israeli or pro-American. Jerusalem may therefore find a closed door when seeking him out.

Meanwhile, Iran lurks in the shadows, and seeking to manipulate this entire scenario to their advantage. How predictable:

Indeed while a military coup was in progress in the Egyptian capital, Iran, Hamas and Al Qaeda's Middle East networks were fully engaged in violently reducing the Egyptian presence outside the southern Sharm el-Sheik pocket and beginning a process of annexation to the Gaza Strip starting in North Sinai. This is part of Iran's new strategy, seized on during the upsets in Cairo, to expand the Hamas state and shift the crux of Palestinian governance from Ramallah to Gaza City.

While this was going on, Hamas and Al Qaeda terrorists along with drug and human traffickers were free to infiltrate Israel, using the flow of thousands of illegal job-seekers smuggled across the lawless Sinai border.

None of this is good for Israel, as we see:

The Netanyahu government in Jerusalem must therefore think fast and make quick decisions about Sinai. Will the military regime in Cairo take action to bring Sinai under control? Or will Israel be reduced to sending drones or special forces across the border for covert action to cut down the threats building up to its security?

Our military sources note that Field Marshall Tantawi has never attached much strategic importance to the Sinai Peninsula, which is why Mubarak transferred responsibility for its security from the army to Suleiman. Its reversion to the army and the field marshal would be bad news for Israel and its future relations with Egypt.


On a separate news front (and with the usual caveat: I don't endorse this site, nor every bit of news/commentary contained within for a variety of reasons - but they do have some interesting commentary from time to time. In the spirit of "not throwing out the baby with the bathwater", I post this because I agree with this commentary - one that is hard to find elsewhere):

Globalists Push SDRs as World Reserve Currency

Once again the IMF is calling for SDRs, short for Special Drawing Rights, to replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency

“Over time, there may also be a role for the SDR to contribute to a more stable international monetary system,” said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF. He said there are some “technical hurdles” involved with SDRs, but he believes they could help correct global imbalances and shore up the global financial system.

There it is again, the repeated mantra "global financial system".

In addition to creating a globalist fiat currency controlled by the financial elite and their central banks, the IMF is proposing the creation of SDR-denominated bonds, which would reduce the use of U.S. Treasuries if implemented.

Following the onset of the engineered global financial crisis in 2008, the so-called BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – led primarily by Russia and China, have called for dumping the dollar and moving into a global currency scheme. The SDR facility stands ready.

There it is again "globalist fiat currency".

But what about an "engineered global financial crisis"? Isn't that just a little too "conspiratorial"?

Well, actually, the answer is no - does anyone recall the video of George Soros announcing that this was indeed engineered in order to bring about the "slow" collapse of the U.S. dollar (see link below)?

The IMF and the globalists plan to elevate China and undermine the United States.

Early in 2009, China issued an aggressive call to dump the dollar and move into SDRs. “The role of the SDR has not been put into full play due to limitations on its allocation and the scope of its uses. However, it serves as the light in the tunnel for the reform of the international monetary system,” said Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China.

In June, the United Nations called for abandoning the U.S. dollar as the main global reserve currency, saying it has been unable to safeguard value.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way,” said Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Same thing can be said for economics. The banksters have purposely attacked the dollar in order to move us into a globalist world currency.

Again, this can't be surprising - Soros made it clear that such actions were planned and are now progressing according to plan (see link provided at the bottom of the page).

Federal Reserve operative and current U.S. Treasury boss Tim Geithner gave the SDR concept a nod during the globalist G20 confab in London. During the meeting, it was announced that the IMF would have a trillion dollars allocated to its coffers and an increase in the SDR facility of $250 billion.

Keynes approach gained renewed favor among establishment economists and central banksters after the engineered financial crisis.

The Federal Reserve is facilitating the move into a world currency controlled by the IMF and the globalist central banks by quantitative easing, that is to say devaluing the U.S. dollar by cranking up the printing press.

If there is any doubt about this being a planned event, as led by Mr Soros, see the link below:

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline of the Dollar

This plan will be completed during the Tribulation, as the antichrist gains power and control.

What better way to control people - than through finances?

We're rapidly moving into a world in which a single individual will gain complete power - and as mentioned so many times - we are watching that road being paved.

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