Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

North American Union?

Because a North American Union, if formed, could represent one of the biblical "10 kings", it is worth following closely due to the potential prophetic significance. We have no idea how the 10 kings could be formed, but many prophecy scholars believe that the world will be divided into 10 regions, with each region having a "leader" (aka the "10 kings").

This is important to follow because we know from Revelation 17 that these 10 kings will serve to support the antichrist and his evil agenda during the tribulation period - a period that is rapidly approaching.

As posted before, mysteriously, the EU has already divided the world up into 10 regions see here. This concept also ties into the so-called "globalist agenda", which I believe is very real.

Today we see this article:

The North American Union - an act of treason

Elected officials change, but the agenda to destroy American sovereignty or the U.S. as a nation has not.

For the global agenda to work, there must be a shadow power structure that is advancing the globalist ideology, regardless of the visible power brokers and politicians.

Mention such a power structure of the global elite and be prepared to be marginalized, criticized, or called paranoid. Yet, it’s clear that it exists. The world is witnessing this agenda at work at this moment as countries across the globe begin to burn. The unrest is just getting started, folks, yet too few understand what is taking place and what is being planned.

These shadow powers, or the individuals behind these orchestrated revolts are indeed no longer secret. The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group are all guilty of illegally setting the worlds agenda without the consent of the people.

These groups are composed of the world’s richest and most influential people in business and politics. They meet together to set policy in foreign affairs, and decide who will be the next face of power. By their own admission, they set such agendas.

That last sentence is key, because this agenda isn't hidden anymore. These enormously rich and powerful "elites" are now outspoken about their agenda - we've posted many articles and quotes supporting this view.

Remember this?

For the last two decades, the media no longer even tries to cover up their complicity. In an address to a meeting of the Trilateral Commission in 1991, founder David Rockefeller gloated and thanked the media for such complicity:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

This is just one of many similar examples. The agenda is open to the public, but few seem to notice or care.

Obama continues the Bush agenda of the NAU

On March 23, 2005 leaders of North America convened and introduced the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP agreement was signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas.

This arrangement went unannounced to the public and is unregulated by congress.

Understanding the provisions of the SPP serves to explain why our southern border remains unprotected. Like inconveniently placed stop signs at rural intersections, our borders have become mere suggestions. By lacking border security, American sovereignty is under assault by the agenda of the globalists.

This is the reality that we are facing. These are facts, not mere speculation. If indeed the biblical 10 kings end up being 10 world regions, then there will be no stopping this movement. Only time will tell. Even more recent developments point towards a NAU:

Released earlier this month with little fanfare, the United States has partnered with Canada to use biometric software to track North American citizens.

The goal is to implement the use of “biometric chips” to keep track of the denizens of North America. In the four page declaration released by the White House earlier this month, the Obama administration has partnered with Canada to create the technical standards “for the collection, transmission, and matching of biometrics that enable the sharing of information on travelers in real time.” Legitimate travelers, that is.

Again, this is about control, not security. And this is about the creation of a North American Union at the expense of national sovereignty for a global society.

History teaches us that with great power comes great corruption. It seems that we are in a time of great corruption now. If we Americans and Canadians do not regain control of our governments now, we won’t recognize our nations in just a few short years.

However it is packaged, the global agenda is an act of treason. As a component, so is the North American Union.

But issues such as treason are relatively insignificant when it comes to fulfillment of God's plan.

There is no way of knowing of a NAU will definitely be formed.

There is certainly progress being made towards such a union, and the facts that are currently emerging sure seem pointed in that direction. Still, we don't know how exactly God will allow these 10 kings to be formed. IF and I repeat "if" - God decides that the 10 kings will be formed from 10 world unions, then the formation of a NAU will be a safe bet.

Either way, these developments are worth watching closely.

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