Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Future Police State

The video linked below is chilling.

Although this isn't specifically related to the Mark of the Beast, it reveals how far technology has progressed as contrasted to how our freedoms are being lost. Technology and freedom are sounding more and more like two ideas that are inversely related, as concerns about security become more and more hyped by an industry that is making billions from these fears.

If we are accepting this level of "security" - including the TSA's infamous "groping" and "naked imaging" which has been implemented and unfortunately accepted by the population - is the Mark of the Beast that remote? Is the Mark of the Beast that hard to believe?

Just a few short years ago, the "Mark" did indeed seem remote. Not in today's world however. It now just looks like one more eventual step in this ongoing progression of the loss of freedom in the attempt to gain the perception of greater security:

The Future of Homeland Security

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