Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Updates From Israel

I'm going to let this post serve as an ongoing updated page for the current situation in Israel. The first link has ongoing updates and the subsequent headlines will be updates from the various and usual sources. The headlines will be updated frequently but the first couple of links will hopefully also provide minute to minute updates. 

Keep watching. It has become apparent from several discussions today - that the most pressing question involves whether or not this will mark the beginning of the scenarios revealed in Isaiah 17 (and the prayer of Psalm 83) along with the epic battle of Gog-Magog (Ezekiel 38-39). 

It seems way too early to speculate on such events at this time. However, having said that, things are happening very very rapidly right now. In a matter of hours we have gone from Israel engaging in limited activities to full scale ramping up for war.  But the key (in my humble opinion) is whether or not things become escalated in the northern part of Israel (Syria? Lebanon? ISIS? Hezbollah?) or escalated via ISIS at Jordan's border (precipitating Israeli involvement) or perhaps the West Bank. If things remain quiet in the north and ISIS, Hezbollah, Syria/Iran all decline this opportunity to engage Israel, then this could be a quick and limited skirmish. 

With every passing day, however, that scenario above seems less and less likely. Within hours we should be hearing from all of the above mentioned groups or nations, and their rhetoric could be very revealing.

[Newest updates in red]

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