Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Libyan Special Forces Base Overrun By Islamists

Libyan Militants Overrun Benghazi Special Forces Base As Chaos Deepens -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Militant fighters overran a Libyan special forces base in the eastern city of Benghazi on Tuesday after a battle involving rockets and warplanes that killed at least 30 people.

A special forces officer said they had to abandon their main camp in the southeast of Benghazi after coming under sustained attack from a coalition of Islamist fighters and former rebel militias in the city.

"We have withdrawn from the army base after heavy shelling," Saiqa Special Forces officer Fadel Al-Hassi told Reuters.

A separate special forces spokesman confirmed the militants had taken over the camp after the troops pulled out. Part of the area is Camp 36 in the Bu Attni district and the special forces school.

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More News On Libya's Civil War

Libya militias seize Benghazi special forces base -- BBC
Libya torn by worst fighting since 2011 revolution -- USA Today
Still Torn by Factional Fighting, Post-Revolt Libya Is Coming Undone -- NYT
Libya oil tanker fire blazes out of control -- Al Jazeera
Tripoli fire rages as Libya warplane crashes in Benghazi battle -- AFP
Libya Is At Its Most Chaotic Point Since Qaddafi's Ouster -- Business Insider
Canada pulls diplomats from Tripoli as Libya conflict rages -- Globe and Mail
A Look at Libya's Most Active Armed Groups -- Voice of America
Libya burns, world ignores it -- Al-Monitor
Libya: Can it pull back from the brink? -- The Economist
Libya is now officially a failed state -- John White, RT
Gaddafi has gone but Libya is more dangerous than ever, thanks to the west -- Nabila Ramdani, The Guardian

My Comment: Libya is now "in my books" a failed state.

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