Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Argentina Declared To Be In Default After Failing To Reach A Debt Agreement

Argentina Declared In Default By S&P As Talks Fail -- Bloomberg

Standard & Poor’s declared Argentina in default after the government missed a deadline for paying interest on $13 billion of restructured bonds.

The South American country failed to get the $539 million payment to bondholders after a U.S. judge ruled that the money couldn’t be distributed unless a group of hedge funds holding defaulted debt also got paid. Argentina, in default for the second time in 13 years, has about $200 billion in foreign-currency debt, including $30 billion of restructured bonds, according to S&P.

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More News On Argentina Being Declared In Default

No deal: Argentina's default is imminent -- CNN
S.&P. Says Argentina Has Defaulted -- NYT
Argentina Teeters on Default as Talks Collapse -- WSJ
Argentina fails to reach debt agreement, default imminent -- Reuters
Argentina’s default: here’s what’s happening -- Reuters
Q. and A.: Exploring What’s Behind the Battle Over Argentina’s Debt -- Peter Eavis and Alexandra Stevenson, NYT
Chronology: Argentina's turbulent history of economic crises -- Reuters
How Argentina Became A Bad Debtor -- Zero Hedge

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