Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

Report: President Obama's Defense Strategy Is ‘Dangerously’ Underfunded To Counter Future Threats

The Pentagon is funding social science research to model risks of "social contagions" that could damage US strategic interests. Photograph: Jason Reed/REUTERS

Defense Panel: Obama Administration Defense Strategy ‘Dangerously’ Underfunded -- Washington Free Beacon

Chinese, Russian aggression cited by defense experts

The Obama administration’s four-year defense strategy lacks funding needed for fulfilling global military missions and the U.S. military faces “high risk” in the world unless changes are made, according to a bipartisan report by a congressionally backed panel of defense experts.

The report by the National Defense Panel, led by former Defense Secretary William Perry and retired Marine Corps Gen. John Abizaid, criticized the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review for outlining military responsibilities that cannot be met because of sharp defense funding cuts.

The report concluded that the capabilities called for in the QDR “clearly exceed the budget resources made available to the department.”

Read more ....

Update #1: National Defense Panel Releases Assessment of 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review -- National Journal
Update #2: Obama military strategy too weak for future security, panel reports -- Washington Times

WNU Editor: The Congressionally mandated report, "Ensuring a Strong Defense for the Future", can be read here.

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