Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Is Colombia's Peace Talks With FARC About To Collapse?

Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos speaks after the signing of agreements at the second day of the 2014 Alianza del Pacifico (Pacific Alliance) political summit in Punta Mita in the Nayarit region, in the West Coast of Mexico, June 20, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Jorge Dan Lopez

Colombia President Says 'Demented' FARC Attacks Could End Peace Talks -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos warned on Tuesday that continuing attacks perpetrated by leftist FARC guerrillas, many of which target infrastructure, could bring an end to peace negotiations with the government.

The threat was made weeks after Santos' successful re-election campaign, which made much of agreements he had reached with the rebels on more than half the agenda for peace talks that he initiated in late 2012 to end a half-century of war.

"What we are saying to them is, keep this up and you are playing with fire and this (peace) process can end," Santos said at an industrial event.

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More News On Colombia's Peace Talks With FARC Rebels Is On The Verge Of Collapse

Colombian peace talks will fail without government concessions, Farc warns -- The Guardian
Colombia's Buenaventura on alert after 'rebel' attack -- BBC
Colombia’s Most Important Port Without Electricity after FARC Attac -- Latin American Herald Tribune
Officials Blame Colombia Power Outage on Rebels -- AP
Colombia's Marxist ELN rebels to blame for explosions - police -- The Star

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