Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

CNN: Ukraine Forces Are Now Firing Ballistic Missiles Into Pro-Rebel Parts Of Eastern Ukraine

Kiev Forces Fire Ballistic Missiles Into E. Ukraine – CNN -- RT

In the past two days Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in east Ukraine controlled by self-defense forces, CNN reports, citing US government sources.

The move “marks a major escalation” in the Ukrainian crisis, CNN said.

“Three US officials confirmed to me a short time ago that US intelligence over the last 48 hours has monitored the firing of several short-range ballistic missiles from territory controlled by Ukraine government forces into areas controlled by the pro-Russian separatists,” Barbara Starr, CNN’s Pentagon correspondent, said in a live report.

Short-range ballistic missiles can carry warheads of up to 1,000 pounds (450 kg) and are capable of killing dozens of people at a time, Starr said.

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My Comment: CNN's Barbara Starr is surprised that this report is receiving little if any coverage from the US media and/or reaction from the U.S. government ... she should not be. Kiev has made the decision to use everything that it has in it's arsenal to defeat the pro-Russian separatists .... and it is doing so with the full backing of the U.S.. The question that is on my mind is ... what will Russia do in response.

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