Senin, 28 Juli 2014

Is ISIS About To Launch A Major Attack On Baghdad?

The ISIS Caliphate’s Coming Blitz of Baghdad -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast

Analysts say the Islamic State is about to launch a major offensive—but one built around commando raids and suicide bombings rather than a frontal attack.

BEIRUT, Lebanon—When the minions of the self-anointed caliph in the self-declared Islamic State that now straddles Iraq and Syria blow up a mosque supposed to contain the remains of the prophet Jonah, or offer punctilious details about the kind of purdah to be imposed on women, the world takes brief notice. But the group’s military campaigns have made less news in recent weeks because they seemed to have stalled.

Now, according to Western military analysts, it’s time to start worrying again. Those studying the attacks by the group formerly known as ISIS see critical changes in the bombings and skirmishing by the caliph’s troops and their allies in and around Baghdad. Some experts warn that a blitzkrieg—a lightning attack—is imminent, and it will be one the beleaguered and squabbling politicians in the Iraqi capital are ill equipped to combat. But it is more likely to be a guerrilla and terrorist offensive than an all-out push along conventional military lines.

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My Comment: ISIS has been spending the past month consolidating their forces, gaining new recruits, assessing the Iraqi government's weaknesses. For the past few months I have been studying their tactics ..... and their nature of operations has always predictable .... attack and expand, consolidate, assess, and then launch another attack. They are now due to launch another attack .... my prediction .... they will grab the Sunni neighborhoods south of Baghdad and/or launch an attack against Baghdad itself with the goal seizing and consolidating their power in the Sunni neighborhoods.

Update: The above video is from CNN last month. It is very revealing in that it shows how undefended Baghdad really is.

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