Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

U.S. Congress Sees Photos That Documents Mass Torture And Murder In Assad's Syrian Prisons


Syrian Defector: Assad Poised To Torture And Murder 150,000 More -- Josh Rogin, Daily Beast

Congress was shocked Thursday when a Syrian defector recounted how he documented Assad’s killing of over 11,000 innocents. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg, according to ‘Caesar.’

The regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad is holding 150,000 civilians in custody, all of whom are at risk of being tortured or killed by the state, the Syrian defector known as “Caesar” told Congress Thursday.

According to a senior State Department official, his department initially asked to keep this hearing -- in which Caesar displayed new photos from his trove of 55,000 images showing the torture, starvation, and death of over 11,000 civilians -- closed to the public, out of concerns for the safety of the defector and his family. Caesar smuggled the pictures out of Syria when he fled last year in fear for his life. Caesar’s trip had been in the works for months.

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More News On The U.S. Congress Seeing Photos That Document Mass Torture And Murder In Assad's Syrian Prisons

Photographer of Syria's dead dissidents and rebels tells House panel of horrors he saw -- AP
Syrian defector testifies, shows House lawmakers graphic images of Assad torture -- FOX News
Syrian Defector's Photos Could Trigger War-Crimes Charges -- Wall Street Journal
Army defector’s photos encourage greater US role in Syria -- Al Monitor
Syrian Defector Brings Torture Photos to Congress -- National Journal
Syrian Defector Who Captured Images of Assad’s Brutality Appears Before Congress -- PJ Media
Lawmakers rattled by Syria genocide horrors, call on Obama to act -- Washington Times
Turning our backs on Syrian atrocities -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post
Will the Syrian Torture Photos Compel Congress to Act? -- Jordain Carney, Defense One/National Journal

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