Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- July 25, 2014

Ukraine And Russia Claim Border Crossfire -- Al Jazeera

Army claims it was attacked by rebels, while Russia accuses Ukraine of firing mortar shells into its territory.

The Ukrainian army has claimed that its soldiers came under artillery fire from the Russian side of the border overnight and were attacked by rebels in several other places in the country's restive east.

In a statement on Friday, the headquarters of the government's military operation in the east listed at least seven locations where rebels attacked Ukrainian troops.

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Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- July 25, 2014

Russia says up to 40 shells hit Russian territory on Friday -- Reuters
Russia says Ukraine shelled across the border with intent to kill law enforcement officers -- Reuters
Russia firing artillery into Ukraine: Pentagon -- Washington Times
Pentagon Says Russia Firing Artillery Directly Into Ukraine From Within Its Borders -- Forbes
Ukraine used phosphorous incendiaries, cluster bombs against cities – Russian military -- RT
Human Rights Watch: Ukrainian forces are rocketing civilians -- Washington Post
HRW blames Kiev army for indiscriminately killing civilians with missiles -- RT
Use of Grad Rockets in Ukraine May Constitute War Crime – Human Rights Watch -- RIA Novosti
Donetsk fighters battle with Ukrainian army for city approaches -- ITAR-TASS
Ukraine crisis: Civilians on 'dead' city of Donetsk -- BBC
Deadly 'hail' falls over eastern Ukraine -- Deutsche Welle
Obama Orders Pentagon Advisers To Ukraine To Fend Off Putin-Backed Rebels -- Washington Times
Obama administration sending military advisers to Ukraine within weeks -- RT
Americans against U.S. military involvement in Ukraine -- Washington Post
Russian woman joins rebel movement in Ukraine -- CNN
Ukraine’s parliament adjourns without accepting premier’s resignation -- Washington Post
Ukraine's parliament rejects government’s bill on gas transportation system reform -- ITAR-TASS
Ukraine votes to keep Western companies out of gas industry -- RT
Ukraine gas deadlock poses latent threat to EU -- Financial Times

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