Senin, 28 Juli 2014

The U.S. Army Wants 'Pocket Drones'

‘Pocket Drones’: U.S. Army Developing Tiny Surveillance Tools For The Next Big War -- Washington Times

Future U.S. Army soldiers sent into combat may have a brand new tool at their disposal: the pocket drone.

The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center in Massachusetts is developing a “pocket-sized aerial surveillance device” for soldiers assigned to small units in dangerous environments.

When the Army’s efforts come to fruition, the Cargo Pocket Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance program will provide dismounted troops with real-time surveillance of threats in their environment.

“The Cargo Pocket ISR is a true example of an applied systems approach for developing new Soldier capabilities,” said Dr. Laurel Allender, acting NSRDEC technical director, reported July 21.

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More News On Pocket Drones

Mini spy-craft: US Army working on pocket-sized surveillance drones -- RT
Army developing pocket-sized drones so soldiers can peek around corners -- Fierce Government IT
British Army deploys 'pocket drones' in Afghanistan -- Washington Examiner
Tiny drones deploy for US allies -- FOX News

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