Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Downed Flight 17 Reveals: The U.S. vs Russia And The New Cold War Heating Up

The details around the downing of Malaysia Flight has taken on a completely new dimension as more and more facts emerge. What seemed relatively straightforward early on, at least as seen through the eyes of western media, has now become increasingly complex and reveals a deeper and deeper divide between the U.S. and Russia and reveals the conflict being played between the two countries. 

What actually happened to this flight and who is responsible is completely unclear at this point and the truth is most likely deeply buried. We have to wonder if the true story will ever come out. Meanwhile, the U.S. appears to be using this for further attempts to isolate Russia and Putin and drive a wedge between Russia and the EU. This much seems clear and this story has a long way to go. 

The question for us is simple - "What are the prophetic implications of the U.S. and Russia entering into another cold war - a war that could become "hot" at any moment?" 

This answer is unclear at this point, but any time the two world powers engage in warfare, whether financial, through a proxy war, diplomatically, or even simple rhetoric, we have to believe that there are subsequent consequences which can easily affect the world's precarious balance. This late in the game, its hard to imagine that there aren't prophetic implications. 

This story is just beginning to emerge. Stay tuned:

Flight 17 And The Panorama Of Peril

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 as it flew from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur yesterday, killing nearly 300 men, women and children, currently dominates today’s headline-rich environment. Accusations about who is behind this wholesale slaughter of innocents are serving as the drumbeats for war, and they are increasing in volume and tempo.

Unfortunately, most Americans and those in the West will fall victim to thinly veiled propaganda pushed by the major news agencies and their captive pundits that is deliberately designed to sway public opinion to a specific agenda—an agenda of war. We are being played, and if we don’t exercise our own intellectual discernment to understand how this incident fits into the larger picture, it will be not just be to our own peril, but to the peril of our children and generations to come.

To understand the significance of the downing of Flight 17, we must look at the bigger picture and think outside of the box created for us by those in power and their facilitators in the media. We must understand a bit of history, and realize that we are not seeing anything new in terms of tactics or orchestration.

 To anyone who has been paying the least bit of attention, it is obvious that the global power structure is being reordered to meet a specific and predetermined design. We are witnessing orchestrated global chaos that transcends partisan politics and has been long in the making. We need to view the current geopolitical events in a panoramic setting, and understand how each of these events are related like cogs in the gear of the globalists. Each geopolitical event of significance is being done by design, but by whose design, when did this restructuring begin, and what is the end-game objective? The answers will not be found coming from the mouths of our leaders or the captured fourth estate. You must look deeper than the sound bites that are creating the drumbeats of war.

What, you might ask, does this seemingly redundant recap of recent history have to do with a single passenger plane that was shot down over a war zone? Was it merely a tragic, isolated and unforeseeable event?  Based on careful analysis and information into the larger agenda given to me by inside intelligence and financial sources, I say “no.” The reason, I contend, behind the downing of Flight 17 is much more nefarious than I’ve seen discussed elsewhere. Simply stated, it is my belief that we are witnessing the run-up to World War III. We must look through the prism of history to see how Flight 17 can easily become the spark that ignites the dry tinder carefully positioned by the global powers, the financial elite, and those vying for a seat at the table of global power.
As a result of the attack at Benghazi, the plans of the globalists were exposed and temporarily sidelined. The Renegade-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his co-conspirators within the U.S. State Department and other Western and Middle Eastern countries were exposed as operating the largest criminal weapons running operation in history. The intent was (and remains) to further change the balance of power by ousting Bashir Assad, replacing Assad with a puppet regime to further advance the Saudi-Wahabbi agenda. Syria of is critical military importance to Russia and economic importance to China, so such a plan would cross Putin’s red line.
Despite the obvious, most Americans remain oblivious to the global plans, mostly due to lies that are large enough, repeated often enough, and left unchallenged or reinforced by the media. The “failure” of the initial plans to overthrow Assad were merely a speed bump in the road to the global restructuring.  Instead, plan “B” was implemented, which involved the creation and backing of ISIS to open a new front against Syria. ISIS, equipped by U.S. and Western powers, is indeed on a “Death Race to Damascus” as I previously described.

Lest we forget, it was the IMF that was first entity on the ground in Ukraine as the “conflict” began. It is the goal of the globalists to collapse not just the U.S. dollar and our economy, but take the entire global economy down in order to establish a single global currency. We must not only understand the enormity of the lies being forced upon us, but the magnitude of the agenda. At a time when we cannot get truthful answers to topics ranging from Benghazi, missing IRS e-mails and every other subject of import, and as lawlessness has overtaken our leadership, it is incumbent upon us to question everything.
We are witnessing a very dangerous game being played out by the powers above those we recognize as leaders. This process of global restructuring is deadly serious, and as we’ve seen, quite deadly. As long as we are silent about the evil machinations of the globalist powers, they will continue to advance their agenda.
We must consider the downing of Flight 17 as part of the larger “panorama of peril” and not fall into the trap set before us, for if we do, we will subjugate ourselves and our future generations to the oppression and bondage of a New World Order.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power made a series of baseless, contradictory accusations aimed at politically exploiting the tragic loss of Malaysia Boeing 777 flight MH17 with nearly 300 civilians on board.

Power asserted that the most likely culprits behind the downing of MH17 were eastern Ukrainian separatists. Because of the high altitude MH17 was travelling at - approximately 33,000 feet - Power conceded that the weapons separatists have been using to down Ukrainian military aircraft would have been inadequate to down MH17. After claiming separatists had "bragged" about downing the airliner based on information from "social media," she explained that Russia most likely assisted the separatists in operating the sophisticated anti-air missile systems required to reach MH17's altitude.

Power gives no explanation as to why after multiple successful downings of Ukrainian military aircraft with man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), Russia and the separatists decided to employ larger, more complex weapon systems that would link any incident directly back to Moscow. Power also failed to explain how in one breath she suggests the separatists shot down MH17, then in the next claimed they did not have the ability to do so, and that Russia instead "assisted."

If separatists did use a Buk (SA-11) self-propelled surface-to-air missile system to down MH17, it would have been the first attempt made with the sophisticated weapon, against the highest flying aircraft targeted thus far in the conflict, and done so at incredible risk when man-portable systems had already proven such a success. In other words - it is a scenario that is very unlikely - and a scenario Samantha Power and the special interests she represents have failed to underpin with evidence.

Strategically, politically, and even tactically, Russia and the separatists gained nothing by employing the larger Buk systems within Ukrainian territory as Power is suggesting.

Power's comments and conclusions were echoes from the halls of the West's corporate-financier funded policy think-tanks. The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in a statement titled, "The Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: Russia in the Dock," provides a self-incriminating indictment as to the motives Kiev and its NATO backers had in carrying out the attack on MH17 and subsequently framing Russia for it. RUSI's statement claims (emphasis added):

A Game Change: Within days, however, the real debate will shift from one about producing the right evidence and culprits, to more about what can be saved from the rapidly-deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.

The tragedy will stain Russia’s relations with the world for years to come. Nations determined to keep on good terms with Russia – such as China or Vietnam which relies on Russian weapon supplies and wishes these to continue - will keep quiet. And there will always be some plausible deniability, giving other countries enough room for manoeuvre to avoid accusing Russia directly for this disaster. But the culprits for the crime will be pursued by international investigators and tribunals. And many Russian officials will be added to the ‘wanted’ lists of police forces around the world. The story will linger, and won’t be pretty for Russian diplomats.

Given the fact that the majority of the victims are European citizens, it is also getting increasingly difficult to see how France would be able to deliver the Mistral ships which Russia ordered for its navyor how Britain could continue shielding Russia from financial sanctions. And, given the fact that scores of US citizens were also killed on the MH17 flight means that the US Congress will demand greater sanctions on Russia, making any improvement in relations with Washington highly unlikely.

RUSI explains in great detail the possible motivation Kiev and NATO had to shoot down MH17 and subsequently frame Russia. An international flight, with passengers from across the globe would invoke unifying outrage against Russia as well as universal support for NATO's so far unsuccessful attempts to isolate Moscow. RUSI itself admits that individual members of the EU have until now, been reluctant to back sanctions and further confrontation with Moscow. 

NATO's Atlantic Council claimed in a statement titled, "In the Ukraine War, Putin’s Veil of Deniability Has Vanished," claims:

NATO needed a "game changer," because it was playing a game it was clearly losing. The dubious circumstances surrounding the downing of MH17 - occurring just as Kiev's forces were deteriorating across the country and additional US sanctions against Russia fell flat -  is more than a mere coincidence. RUSI and the Atlantic Council's statement represent an increasingly desperate and shrinking corner the West finds itself in. With the ascension of Russia along with other BRICS nations, a "game changer" was desperately needed to "stain Russia’s relations with the world for years to come," and help arrest what appeared to be the irreversible rise of the global East and South, in tandem with the irreversible decline of the West.

If the West was so sure of who was responsible for the downing of MH17, it would patiently allow the facts to reveal themselves, giving them unassailable credibility as they begin an effective campaign to contain, isolate, and dismantle Russia's global influence. However, just like in Damascus, Syria in August 2013 when NATO gassed thousands of Syrians in what is now confirmed to be a false flag attack, the West is racing against the clock to do maximum damage before the truth of MH17 emerges. 

The very expediency the West pursues its smear campaign against Russia with raises suspicion. The world has been at critical junctures like this before, with Western politicians and media personalities making well-scripted, passionate pleas - but based on little to no "evidence." Weathering the psychological inertia the West is seeking to stampede its political assault on Russia through with, will cause the West's attempts to reverse its fortunes in Ukraine to fail. Failing in Ukraine will weaken the West's position in Syria and Iraq, further undermine its "pivot" in Asia, and diminish its ability to visit upon humanity yet another horrific staged event it may finally realize will only further compromise its place among a new emerging, multipolar global order - not help it restore its antiquated "unipolar" empire.

So what about the Russian side? Below we present the key arguments made by Russia to suggest that not it, but Ukraine, was responsible for taking down the Malaysian Boeing.

And finally, as RT reported, the national governor of the Donetsk region, Pavel Gubarev, admitted that while the separatists indeed are in possession of one BUK missile unit, it is not operational, and even if it was, it would be unable to reach a height of over 30,000 feet without central radar guidance which the Donetsk region does not have, once again suggesting that a Surface to Air Missile, if indeed one was used, came from the Ukraine side. Surely it will be very easy for international monitors to validate this report.

One hopes that all lingering questions about the flight path, and where the instructions to change it came from, will be answered when the contents of the flight black box are released.

On July 8, Ukraine’s State Aviation Service banned all flights over the Donetsk and Luhansk regions aiming to provide “adequate safety and security for all flights of civil aircraft in favor of state aviation.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council took a decision to close the airspace over the area of the so-called anti-terror operation to commercial flights three days ago, Rosaviatsia reported.
This goes back to our post from last night in which we wondered just why and how did it happen that flight MH-17 diverted from its usual trajectory to fly over what was effectively restricted airspace.  This also is the topic of a follow up piece by Bloomberg released overnight in which it was noted that "Malaysian Air Flight Took Route Avoided by Qantas, Asiana:"

Russian Defense Ministry says it had intercepted the activity of a Ukrainian radar system on the day the Malaysian plane went down in eastern Ukraine, the ministry’s press service said Friday.

“The technical capabilities of the Buk-M1 allow the exchange of data on air targets between batteries of one battalion. Thus, the launch of rockets could have also occurred from any of the batteries deployed in the populated area of Avdeevka [8 kilometers north of Donetsk] or from Gruzsko-Zoryanskoe [25 kilometers east of Donetsk],” the ministry said.

Russia Today sparked a fever of speculation last night after publishing a report that claimed the doomed flight was flying almost the exact same path as Putin's presidential plane did less than 40 minutes later.

It quoted a source as telling Interfax news agency: 'I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon.

'That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft—15:44 Moscow time.'

It goes on to point out that Putin's presidential plane bears uncannily similar red and blue markings to those painted on all Malaysian Airlines craft.

Many Twitter users claimed pictures of victims' passports found at the scene were in too good a condition to have possibly been involved in the crash.

'How could the passports found at the #MH17 crash site be so pristine? Wondering if these are authentic,' wrote Mamadoxie.

The remote possibility that separatists obtained a sophisticated Buk anti-air missile system, was able to maintain and operate it, failed to identify the Malaysian 777, and exercised the poor judgement to fire on it – would make the tragedy a catastrophic case of mistaken identify – for the separatists have no conceivable reason to fire on a Malaysian passenger liner – and absolutely nothing to gain by doing so.
However, for the regime in Kiev facing decimated and unraveling military forces in the east, growing dissent in the west, and Western sponsors who are unable to materialize any form of meaningful aid militarily, economically, or politically – shooting down a civilian airliner and blaming it on the separatists could unite public opinion and the leadership of European nations behind NATO and the US for a more direct intervention on behalf of Kiev and change the tide of what is now a battle they will otherwise inevitably lose.
The West is already working hard to set the stage for such a scenario. The BBC in an article titled, “Malaysia airliner crashes in east Ukraine conflict zone,” stated that:
Sir Tony Brenton, a former UK ambassador to Russia, told BBC News it would not be a huge surprise if suspicion initially fell on the rebels.
“That would be very damaging both for them and for their Russian supporters,” he said.
“The Russians have undoubtedly been supplying them with weapons, almost certainly with anti-aircraft weapons, so Russia would very likely be implicated and that would raise the volume of international criticism of Russia.”
Only the West and their proxies in Kiev would stand to benefit from this – and commentators like Tony Brenton and the BBC intentionally prey on the ignorance of their audience in hopes that they don’t know the difference between the Igla systems separatists most likely have, and the Buk system they most likely don’t have or are unable to operate.

This is the second Malaysian 777 to be lost under extraordinary circumstances this year. Malaysian flight MH370 disappeared in March, 2014, and has yet to be found despite unprecedented international search efforts.

The escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow, brought to fever by the MH17 airliner disaster, are finally to the point where they threaten to spoil the number one item on President Obama's foreign policy agenda: the nuclear talks with Iran. The man doing the threatening is Russia President Vladimir Putin. 

Earlier this week, Putin promised to retaliate against the United States for new sanctions targeting his friends and business associates, as well as large Russian defense, energy and financial firms. On Thursday, Putin called President Obama to alert him a civilian jetliner had crashed over Eastern Ukraine, a tragedy the U.S. says was caused by a missile shot from a Russian-made SA-11...Putin's next call was to none other than the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. 

"Mr. Putin And Mr. Rouhani exchanged views on the state of talks on Iran's nuclear program," stated the Kremlin readout of the call. "The two leaders also examined bilateral cooperation matters of mutual interest..."

U.S. officials, lawmakers and experts, have been waiting for Putin to use the Iran negotiations as a way to mess with Obama ever since the tit-for-tat sanctions began in March. 

Some Western states and Kiev rushed to find Russian involvement in the MH17 crash having no evidence to back their claims, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister told RT. He invited Ukraine to answer 10 questions to prove their commitment to an impartial probe.

Speaking to RT, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has criticized Western countries for jumping to conclusions just “24 hours after the crash” while there is no evidence.

1. Immediately after the tragedy, the Ukrainian authorities, naturally, blamed it on the self-defense forces. What are these accusations based on?

2. Can Kiev explain in detail how it uses Buk missile launchers in the conflict zone? And why were these systems deployed there in the first place, seeing as the self-defense forces don’t have any planes?
3. Why are the Ukrainian authorities not doing anything to set up an international commission? When will such a commission begin its work?
4. Would the Ukrainian Armed Forces be willing to let international investigators see the inventory of their air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, including those used in SAM launchers?
5. Will the international commission have access to tracking data from reliable sources regarding the movements of Ukrainian warplanes on the day of the tragedy?
6. Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards “the anti-terrorist operation zone”?
7. Why was airspace over the warzone not closed for civilian flights, especially since the area was not entirely covered by radar navigation systems?
8. How can official Kiev comment on reports in the social media, allegedly by a Spanish air traffic controller who works in Ukraine, that there were two Ukrainian military planes flying alongside the Boeing 777 over Ukrainian territory?
9. Why did Ukraine’s Security Service start working with the recordings of communications between Ukrainian air traffic controllers and the Boeing crew and with the data storage systems from Ukrainian radars without waiting for international investigators?
10. What lessons has Ukraine learned from a similar incident in 2001, when a Russian Tu-154 crashed into the Black Sea? Back then, the Ukrainian authorities denied any involvement on the part of Ukraine’s Armed Forces until irrefutable evidence proved official Kiev to be guilty.

 Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has criticized Western countries for jumping to conclusions just “24 hours after the crash” while there is no evidence.

“They try to show to the whole world that we are responsible for the crash. It is very strange that without any evidence my colleagues from western media would like to find somebody who is responsible for the crash,” Antonov said. “It seems to me that this is part of information warfare which has been started against the Russian Federation and armed forces.”

Ignoring for one second yesterday disastrous air crash in Ukraine, the 'boomerang' of sanctions continues to be thrown back and forth between the US and Russia. Having restricted Russian firm's access to USD funding, Putin has come out swinging. His first act was to demand that state departments and state-run companies will no longer purchase PCs built around Intel or AMD processors(which might explain AMD's slashing their outlook); but now he has hit out at the heart of what has made America great (in the eyes of some) - banning the use of foreign cars for officials in favour of home-produced cars.

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