Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

Boycotting Russian Goods Ukrainian Style

Ukrainian singer Irena Karpa wearing a "Don't give it to a Russian" t-shirt. Photo: Facebook

Ukraine In Campaign To Boycott Russian Goods, Restaurants, Sex -- Sydney Morning Herald

War might be at their doorstep but Ukrainian citizens are using a more peaceful style of dissent against Russia.

Across the capital Kiev last weekend, young men and women converged on Russian-owned cafes and restaurants. With each sale, the activists feigned their own death. They held signs that said "Russia kills!" against their chest as they lay prone on the floor.

Each pancake sold they claimed ‘costs’ three lives; a coffee, one life; a cake or a salad two each. “Not too expensive, this Russian food?” the activists asked visitors.

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My Comment: On an economic level this protest is having a minimal impact .... but from a PR point of view .... very effective. What is having an impact is a new app that Ukrainians can use in determining if a product is from Russia or not (see below).

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