Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

What Will September Bring?

Thanks to Jec for finding this one. Jerry Golden always reminds us of what Israel is facing in the near future, and it is a good reminder to take a look at the current status of the powder keg known as the Middle East:

What Will September Bring?

We've all heard it said, "Smile - Things Could Be Worse" so we smiled and sure enough things got worse. Okay I know that is not a nice way to begin a report. Yet as most of us try to remain positive it seems to become more difficult to do so every day with the horrible news coming at us from all directions.

The war here in Israel always seems to be on the very edge of happening. Sometimes it is a little more frightening than others - and this is one of those times. All indicators are now pointing to September of this year, - if these indicators are true, and war is imminent, it would seem to me that the element of surprise is no longer a factor on either side.

So, the advantage would go to the one who pulls the trigger first. If you give that some thought, it's way past time to prepare.

Therefore we all should be on our faces before God in prayer.

Because this war will be far worse than any before here in Israel, and even our top Generals are telling us in our Israeli newspapers, that many will die in this coming war.

Sometimes we forget just how close we may be to seeing war in this region. We also forget just how prepared all sides are to go to war:

I have reported many times about the unbelievable build-up of long and medium range missiles amassed at our northern border. They are estimated now at over 50,000 and many are believed to be loaded with chemical warheads. Syria now is faced with nothing less than a civil war and Assad confronted with his final days unless he can find a way out. War with Israel is looking better to him every day.

Hamas in Gaza is now fully armed for war. The Egyptian border is open and in the control of the Moslem Brotherhood. The same Moslem Brotherhood that gave birth to Hamas in Gaza.

They no longer have to depend on smuggling tunnels, they come across now by truck caravans. Keep in mind that we are speaking of Islamists who love death more than you love life, and have for generations indoctrinated their kids that to die for Allah whilst killing Jews is the way to their "heaven".

And we have to recall who is working behind the scenes:

And anyone who believes that Iran doesn't already have nuclear weapons is well past being naive They are plain stupid. The CVN 77 G.H.W. Bush has just entered the Persian Gulf along with CVN 76 Ronald Reagan. These aircraft carriers don't travel alone, but with a group of battleships and at least one nuclear submarine

Israel, in the meantime, is caught between a rock and hard place. If they wait too long and the missiles start falling upon Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem they have given up the first strike advantage. If they hit Iran [the real source to all the above] they will be blamed for starting World War III. Nevertheless, the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people is not an option therefore something has to happen - and very soon.

Is really is a region that is just on the brink.

But nothing will happen outside of God's plan, and that includes the timing of the various wars and battles that are to be fought.

Meanhwhile, we are specifically directed to be on the watch for Jesus during these times:

"Be on guard! Be Alert!

If He comes suddenly, do not let him catch you sleeping."

(Mark 13:33-37)

"It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes."
(Luke 12:37)

"It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night."
(Luke 12:38)

Ready and watching.

That's how He wants to find us - not trembling in fear, but looking up with the faith that we know what awaits us in the midst of these signs.

"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus"
(Revelation 22:20)

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