Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Israelis: The Next Intifada Will Be This Year

This comes from Israel Today and it is quite revealing in terms of what the people in the region believe:

The Next Intifada

A 52 percent majority of Israelis believes the next Palestinian intifada (terrorist uprising) will erupt in September, or shortly thereafter.

That catalyst for this new orgy of violence will be the unilateral Palestinian statehood bid at the UN.

Israelis polled by the Dahaf Institute said they believe the Palestinians will launch a fresh intifada regardless of the outcome of the UN bid, which is expected to be vetoed in the Security Council by the US, but pass as a non-binding resolution in the General Assembly.

In fact, the Palestinians are saying the same thing.

A poll conducted last month by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Opinion found that 76 percent of Palestinians feel the next step after winning a General Assembly vote on statehood will be to go to war against Israel.

While we're looking at Israel, this story was somehow missed by the MSM:

Gaza rocket hits house in southern Israel

Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired three rockets and at least one mortar shells into southern Israel Tueday night and early Wednesday morning.

One of the rockets damaged a house in a small kibbutz in southern Israel, but failed to cause any injuries. The other rockets landed in open areas.

Israeli warplanes responded by bombing a tunnel in northern Gaza used to conceal and transport terrorist arms.

The overnight and early morning barrage follows a similar rocket attack launched from Gaza last weekend.

Some Israelis fear the Palestinians could begin ratcheting up the level of violence ahead of a Palestinian bid to unilaterally declare statehood at the UN in September.

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