Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Daily Headlines:

It is getting harder and harder to differentiate "mainstream news" from "conspiracy news" these days. I'm considering having an "alternative news" section but for now will keep everything together as we all must use our abilities to discern from casting a wide net for news stories. Today is no exception:

Ayalon Challenges PA to a Duel

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon reacted Monday (July 25) to condemnation by the Palestinian Authority over his video titled 'The Truth About the West Bank'.

Deputy Minister Ayalon said that the video is clearly worrying the Palestinians as it challenges their narrative.

"For too long the Palestinian narrative of international law and rights has gone unchallenged and this over the top reaction to a public diplomacy video proves that they are acting like spoiled children who have had their way for too long," Ayalon said. "They are unable to challenge a single fact in the video and have completely avoided a legitimate and honest discussion on the issue

The euro bail-out is a conspiracy against democracy

Exactly as predicted:

How very appropriate that tanks should have been rolling through the streets of Brussels on the day that Europe dismantled another pillar of democracy. The military display, as it happened, was commemorating Belgium National Day, not the triumphal march toward financial union, but the coincidence was one of history’s better jokes.

Europe is now galloping toward the final realisation of its great post-war dream:

the abolition of independent nation states whose governments are answerable to their own people

This article is worth reading, and it reveals exactly what many of us have been saying throughout this EU financial crisis: The "fix" includes a loss of national sovereignty as we watch more and more EU centralized power become the dominant position.

There is nothing accidental about this trajectory. The Greek (and Irish, and Portuguese, and Italian, and Spanish) crisis has been useful, as everyone now seems to be admitting, as an accelerant: having to scrape a whole cohort of eurozone countries off the floor has simply made the “need” for financial integration undeniable.

The logical conclusion of an economically illiterate project has been reached. No more messing with the will of the people: resentful Germans and rebellious Greeks will be equally overridden in the name of – what? An international welfare state in which wealth is redistributed not just from the hard-working to the non-working classes of one’s own country, but from industrious nations to failing ones.

This development is also consistent with the UN dream for the entire world.

The next statements are worth reading very closely and digesting very slowly:

And what of their voters? They will scarcely be electorates in the true sense at all.

Which is why the Greeks were rioting in the streets: not just because they saw their early retirement age and their casual attitude to taxpaying under threat, but because they recognised that their views would now be irrelevant to their fate.

The will of the people is not a mere irritant or an obstacle, to be overcome under the pressure of particular circumstances. It is inherently volatile and dangerous: a threat to the benign, enlightened governance which only an apolitical bureaucratic administration can deliver.

Read the rest and ponder where we are in terms of progression towards the Tribulation.

Threat to Japanese Food Chain Multiplies as Cesium Contamination Spreads

Radiation fallout from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant poses a growing threat to Japan’s food chain as unsafe levels of cesium found in beef on supermarket shelves were also detected in more vegetables and the ocean.

Aeon Co., Japan’s biggest supermarket chain, said today 4,108 kilograms (9,056 pounds) of beef suspected of being contaminated was inadvertantly put on sale at 174 stores across Japan. Supermarkets started testing beef after the Tokyo Metropolitan Government found radioactive cesium in slaughtered cattle this month.

Seafood is another concern after cesium-134 in seawater near the Fukushima plant climbed to levels 30 times the allowed safety standards last week, according to tests performed by Tokyo Electric Power Co, national broadcaster NHK reported.

Strong quake jolts northeast Japan

The U.S.G.S. says the magnitude 6.2-quake struck at 3:51 a.m. local time Monday and was centred at a depth of 35.6 kilometres in the Pacific Ocean, 94 kilometers east of Fukushima prefecture. The epicenter is 282 kilometers northeast of Tokyo.

On Saturday, a magnitude-6.4 quake struck in the same area off the east coast of Honshu.

This next story is interesting because at least one of the Canary Islands (because of the way the Islands were formed) is ripe for a massive "land slide" (my choice of words) which would trigger a huge tsunami along the east coast of the U.S.:

Alert - Canary Islands 400 Tremors In Four Days - El Hierro Volcano-Mega Tsunami Prediction?

Around 20 tremors were recorded by measuring stations in the 2-day period, although at approximately 1.8-2.0 on the Richter scale none gave cause for specific alarm and most went unnoticed by the population. Geologists say the tremors may well indicate increased volcanic activity in the western Canaries and are in close contact with the local authorities to update them on the situation.

Who knows the reality or truth behind the next article, but it is worth posting because it is part of the daily news these days:

Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth

This is going to be the most extraordinary communication so fasten your seatbelts; we are in for a rough ride. I have known in my heart for months that I would have to make a communication like this but had no idea it would be this soon.

Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities.

We have an incoming mass (what might possibly be a neutron star) coming in and it will do a hard turn around the sun like any comet would, crossing and coming in between Mercury and Venus before starting its journey back out. On its way out it will cross our bow, meaning it will pass very close to the earth and the earth will pass behind it, plowing into its tail.

Christchurch residents wake to 4.3 quake

Two shallow earthquakes rattled Christchurch overnight and a 4.3 magnitude quake struck the shaken city.

The 4.3 quake hit the city at 7.45am and was centred 20km south of Darfield, at 11km deep. It was felt throughout the Canterbury region.

A magnitude 3.1 quake struck the city at 10.25pm yesterday. It was 5km deep and centred 20km north-east of Christchurch.

That quake followed a magnitude 2.9 which struck at 5.45pm. It was centred 5km from Oxford and was 5km deep.

A 5.1 magnitude quake woke people from their sleeps when it hit the city yesterday morning. That quake occurred at 5.39am, at a depth of 12km and 40km west of Christchurch.

Slain Iranian scientist was working on a nuclear bomb detonator

Daryush Rezaee-Nejad, 35, who died Saturday, July 23, when two motorcyclists shot him in the head and throat in front of his home in Tehran, was a rising star of the new generation of Iranian nuclear scientists. DEBKAfile's Iranian sources disclose he was attached to one of the most secret teams of Iran's nuclear program, employed by the defense ministry to construct detonators for the nuclear bombs and warhead already in advanced stages of development.
This was another in the series in the past year of mysterious attacks of top-flight scientists attached to the Iranian nuclear program.

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