Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Elenin Updates

You have to admit that the information circulating around the whole "Elenin" comet/brown dwarf issue is one of the most confusing and difficult to grasp scenarios we have seen in a long long time. Who knows what to believe. I assume we're all updated on Elenin and the potential ramifications - from a small comet which will have no effects on earth, to a large brown dwarf which could have an enormous impact on life as we know it.

We probably won't have definitive answers until sometime in late August - early September when it will be close enough to have undeniable facts/evidence of what it really is and what it will really do.

In the meanwhile, we're left with rumors and reports which may or may not be true.

Here are some of the latest reports that are in circulation (again, under the heading of "who knows what is true?").

NASA, White House, operatives pushing psyops meme around Comet Elenin

A subtle psyops – psychological warfare operation – intended to engender public fear and apprehension around Comets Elenin, Levy and Honda (all expected to pass near Earth in the Fall of 2011) may be part of a future false flag environmental war attack on specific human settlements and populations using the HAARP-Chemtrails tectonic and weather warfare system

Wow. Well, thats a new twist on this whole thing - one that I certainly hadn't considered previously.

Statements by NASA officials, the White House, and specific statements falsely attributed to operatives formerly associated with NASA such as Richard C. Hoagland infer or explicitly state that Comet Elenin’s near passage to Earth may create an “extinction level event (ELE)”.

This is worth posting and commenting on - because we can categorically rule this possibility out, as we know from biblical prophecy that there will be no "extinction level event" to hit the earth. One advantage to having prophecy knowledge.

The focus then shifts to a so-called "White House letter":

White House letter: Smoking gun that Elenin is a threat or Psyops promoter?

On Oct 15, 2010, the White House issued a letter highlighting the hazards of near earth objects including comets. One fair interpretation of the White House letter is that its timing may be part of the Comet Elenin psyops.

One source that is reporting on the White House promotion of the Comet Elenin psyops as though it were a genuine threat states,

One quick note: This "source" is from a blog site "UFO-Blogger", so take that with a grain of salt. However, it is important to see whats "out there" in circulation. Also see this source: White House Letter

"In latest development now we learns 10 page letter is already out on the web since October 2010, which proves that US NASA and the White House know about ELENIN and consider it “a real threat” (On October 11, 2011 Elenin will be only 0.246au away from Earth; that’s a quarter of the distance to the sun.) it`s possible even more dangerous against earth than we understand.

"The terminology used in this letter, along with several other facts that have emerged in the time since the letter was written, lead us to believe that our 'shadow' government and elements within NASA have long known that anticipated effects of the arrival of Comet Elenin would indeed be much greater than they are telling the public

In fact, we believe that the White House letter below may be the 'smoking gun' to help prove that the government indeed does know that the potential consequences facing planet Earth from this comet will be far more disastrous than what they are “officially” telling the public.

We can also see this:

Readers can watch a video interview in which Leonid Elenin, a 29-year-old Russian astronomer on the staff of the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), comes out publicly on Russian TV to debunk the catastrophe psyops circulated by entities such as NASA, the White House. The video is embedded in article above and can be accessed at the URL below:

The referenced video is found here.

In this interview, among other facts, Mr. Elenin states that the photographic effects around Comet Elenin that have been interpreted by a number of analysts including Richard C. Hoagland and Dr. Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute as UFO spacecraft are in fact effects caused by photographic artifacts and not evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs following Comet Elenin, or evidence that Comet Elenin is a piloted UFO craft.

Mr. Elenin also states in the interview that a false Facebook account was opened under his name and that this account has been instrumental in promoting the Comet Elenin catastrophe psyops.

This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has previously reported on the deep interpenetration of Facebook and the total information access program of the U.S. Department of Defence, raising questions as to whether the false Facebook identity may be part of a covert black budget strategy around Comet Elenin to create the conditions for a another false flag environmental war attack on the heels of the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tectonic warfare attack, triggered by the HAARP-chemtrails weapons system.

This entire premise - that the most ominous news around Elenin is part of an overall strategy involving "psyops" is an interesting twist which should be considered along with all of the other theories circulating. In conclusion to this long article we see this:

There appears to be a concerted effort by a command and control network within NASA, the White House, and amongst information operatives creating false statements by individuals like Richard C. Hoagland to create a fear-based psyops around Comet Elenin. Functionally, the psyops appears to be attempting to create a collective fear or “buy in” by some portion of humanity of coming comet-caused catastrophe. This fear or meme may be necessary to carry off a planned Fall 2011 false flag catastrophe incorporating the symbology of destructive comets, the Mayan calendar and an End of the World motif.

That is certainly some food for thought as we continue to observe this situation.

Also see:

Comet Elenin And YU55 Latest News

Gigantic Crack Opens Up In Mexico - Alert - Pole Shift-Brown Dwarf-Nibiru-Elenin

The Watchers

Predictably, in these last days, we see potentially huge events which could affect planet earth - but along with that are a vast array of confusing, conflicting and contradictory news stories making the truth almost impossible to find.

We will have our answers during the September-October-November time frame. But even with that - the question could become: "Did these large earthquakes and ______ (fill in the blanks here...Volcanos? Tsunamis?) occur because of Elenin or from man-made catastrophe (HAARP?) with malevolent intent?"

Who knows. If nothing else, this story will continue to grow as we approach those critical months.

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