Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Persecution Increasing Around the World

The increasing persecution is a big story in these last days leading into the Tribulation, but you won't find it in the MSM.

Jesus warned us of this situation, and for good reason:

Hal Lindsey has a video up on his site (which is a good site to bookmark) and it is worth watching. This video is the main one currently on his site dated 7/22/2011:

Hal Lindsey site

Then we turn to this site, probably the best site for covering the persecution story on a daily basis:

Voice of the Martyrs

See these stories in today's edition:

- Indonesia: Officials close Church
- Kazakhstan: Pastors Fined For Praying
- Iran: Life In Prison
- West Bank: Ministry Harassed
- Iran: Death for Nadarkhani?
- Eritrea: Unimaginable Suffering
- India: Christians Expelled
- Algeria: Churches Threatened

Related stories:

Women Who Sang on Temple Mount Barred by Police

The rules on the Temple Mount are unique for Jews: No singing, no prayer books and certainly not a Torah scroll, but Muslim can play soccer outside their holy mosques while Arab workers remove dirt containing archeological proof of the destroyed Jewish Temples.

The spokesman also noted that a man who took out a small Torah scroll n the Temple Mount also was expelled and invesigated.

Glick also has been barred by the police, who said that no permission is given to anyone who violates government and High Court decisions against blatant Jewish activity that could cause a provocation among Muslims.

Also see:

Texas Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Probe Into Ban of Christian Prayers at Military Funerals

A Texas lawmaker is calling for a congressional investigation of the Houston National Cemetery after he went undercover and determined that cemetery officials are still preventing Christian prayers at the funerals of military veterans.

“The Obama administration continues to try to prevent the word ‘God’ from being used at the funerals of our heroes,” said. Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas).

“It’s unacceptable and I’m going to put a stop to it as fast as humanly possible,” Culberson told Fox News Radio. He attended a burial service at the cemetery undercover on July 8, when he says he witnessed volunteer members of the honor guard from the Veterans of Foreign Wars being prohibited from using any references to God.

And this sobering reality:

Persecution of Coptic Christians

Three videos are linked in this article, with the following preface:

The systemic horrors being perpetrated on an entire people seems like it would actually fit the U.N. definition of ‘Genocide’. Muslim Egyptians stripping Copts of identity, freedoms and even any human dignity.

Persecuton is worse today than it has ever been in human history, period. Jesus mentioned this as one of the many generational signs that we would observe during these last days, and indeed it is growing daily, around the world. And it will continue to worsen as we approach the Tribulation.

Lets all remember to keep these brave Christians in our daily prayers.

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