Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Is a "PA State" Inevitable?

Joel Rosenberg attempts to answer a question that many of us ask:

Is A Palestinian State Inevitable?

This is a very interesting article, whether you agree or not. Here are a few of his comments:

While traveling through Israel this month, I’ve been asked by many people if a Palestinian state inevitable, and will it happen this fall? It’s a controversial topic, to be sure, and an increasingly relevant one given the upcoming vote in the U.N. General Assembly this fall. Here’s what I’ve been sharing with people here:

1. The Bible doesn’t speak specifically to the issue of whether a sovereign Palestinian state will be created or not.

2. That said, I tend to believe the geopolitical and prophetic evidence suggests there will probably be a Palestinian state in the not-too-distant future.

I'm not sure if I would agree with this or not. I could see the remaining prophetic events occurring with or without a "PA State".

3. International pressure on Israel to cut a deal, divide the Land, and create a Palestinian state is overwhelming, relentless, and intensifying.


4. Currently, the Palestinian leadership refuses to negotiate directly with Israel. Rather, they hope to unilaterally declare a state by getting the vast majority of countries at the U.N. to vote for the creation of state at the General Assembly session in New York in September.

5. The Palestinians have more than enough votes to pass such a U.N. resolution in the General Assembly (though the U.S. has suggested it would veto a unilateral declaration if it came to the Security Council).

True. I also wonder if we could really count on the U.S. in "crunch time".

Jumping ahead:

9. However, the Bible strongly warns the nations not to divide the Land of Israel and states that all nations who do so will face God’s judgment. The Lord said to the Hebrew Prophet Joel, “And I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.” (Joel 3:2)

10. Despite this warning, the nations have repeatedly divided the Land of Israel over the centuries.

In addition to points about expecting to see a "PA State" formed, Mr Rosenberg adds this:

So we should expect European pressure to continue to build and eventually a European leader to take the lead and get a deal done — to many, it will look like a wonderful peace deal, at first, but the Bible makes clear it will turn disastrous for Israel, and the Palestinians, and the world.

And lastly:

Let us continue to pray for the Prince of Peace — Jesus the Messiah — to draw more and more people in the epicenter to Himself. This is the only true and lasting hope for peace.


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