Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Iran's Growing Influence in the Middle East

Iran is attempting to gain complete control in the Middle East and so far they have been highly successful. This development is quite ominous for Israel, as we all know Iran's stated objectives for the destruction of Israel:

Iran's Tentacles Spread from Syria to Sudan: Intelligence Chief

Iran is spreading its tentacles and is directly helping Syrian President Bashar Assad, aiding the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and assisting Sudan, IDF Intelligence Major-General Aviv Kochavi told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee Tuesday.

The Islamic Republic is “infiltrating and aiding organizations and governments” in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Sudan, as well as Gaza, Kochavi stated.

He also said that Iran is directly trying to influence Egyptian politics through the Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned the Hamas terrorist organization.

The Knesset committee also heard that Iran was involved in the border infiltrations from Syria into the Golan Heights last month.

'Iran infiltrating Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt'

Military Intelligence chief Major-General Aviv Kochavi said Tuesday Iranian influence was growing in Middle Eastern countries experiencing unrest or upheaval – such as Egypt and Syria.

"Iran and Hezbollah's motivation to assist (Syria) stems from its profound fear of the repercussions and mainly of losing the partnership with Syria and possible leakage (into the Islamic Republic)."

The MI chief noted that Iran also played a direct role in events on Israel's border. "Iran acted directly in Lebanon in organizing 'Nakba Day' and 'Naksa Day'. It is working to make sure these acts of protest will continue."

Israel's MT chief: Iran and Hezbollah actively helping Syria squash demonstrations

Iran and Hezbollah are actively assisting Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime in cracking down on anti-government demonstration, Military Intelligence Chief Major General Aviv Kochavi said on Tuesday.

The Islamic republic and the Lebanon-based militant group have been transferring to Syria information, technical assistance and equipment to disperse demonstrators, said Kochavi.

"The great motivation Iran and Hezbollah have to assist [Syria] comes from their deep worry regarding the implications these events might have, particularly losing control of their cooperation with the Syrians and having such events slide onto their own territories," said the MI chief.

Also see:

Quartet to Meet Next Week on PA Statehood Bid

The meeting of the Quartet of peacekeeping nations – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – is set for July 11.

The PA plans to declare the boundaries of its country along the 1949 Armistice lines, and will claim all lands restored to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War, including territories in Judea and Samaria, as well as nearly half of Israel's capital, Jerusalem. Within the areas of Jerusalem claimed by the PA are located the holiest sites in Judaism – the Western Wall and the adjoining Temple Mount, upon which is presently built the Al Aqsa Mosque.

The PA sent a list of four preconditions to the Quartet of peacekeeping nations (the U.S., Russia, the EU and the U.N.) last month, insisting that it would not agree to renew negotiations unless Israel and the European Union agreed to meet every one of its demands.

And this:

Abbas Dictates Terms to Quartet

Abbas advisor Nimer Hammad told reporters the PA will abandon its plan to ask the UN in September to recognize a PA based on pre-1967-lines if Quartet members – the US, EU, UN and Russia – recognize the two-state principle as the basis for a settlement, and call on Israel to withdraw from all territories captured in 1967, including east Jerusalem.

Hammad also said the Quartet should also call for a full cessation of construction in Jewish settlements and set a clear timetable for Israeli-PA peace talks.

The PA's bombastic posturing comes as Abbas' unilateral bid outside the framework of the Oslo Accords to have a state imposed by the international community finds itself losing momentum.

“The Palestinian Authority is determined to proceed with its plan to go to the UN Security Council if Israel continues to deny the rights of the Palestinians and international legitimacy,” Hammad said.

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