Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

More News

I keep hoping that we'll have a news day in which one or two consistent themes appear, with a certain focus, but this isn't happening as a wide variety of different prophetically related news stories continues on a daily basis. Consistent with the past few days, there are a lot of stories in the news today, so I'll just post a paragraph or two on each:

Hezbollah warns Israel against maritime border threats

Hezbollah on Wednesday issued a stark warning to Jerusalem, vowing to protect its maritime rights against "Israeli threats."

The comments by Hezbollah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem came on the background of Israeli plans to mark the two countries’ maritime border to ensure unrestricted access to lucrative natural gas reserves. Lebanon “will remain vigilant in order to regain its full rights, whatever it takes,” Lebanese news website Naharnet quoted Qassem as saying

This one from the land of MaGog, and it is completely predictable:

Russia Prevents Quartet from Demanding PA Recognition of Israel

Russia has prevented the Quartet from issuing a demand that the PA acknowledge Israel as the Jewish State as the basis for negotiations in exchange for Israel’s acceptance of the 1949 Armistice lines (which are commonly called '67 borders, but were never recognized as such) as the basis for negotiations.

Russia also refused to refrain from raising the PA statehood bid at the UN this coming September.

Nabil Sha’ath, who is responsible for international relations in the PA, spoke to the WAFA news agency. “Russia has fulfilled an important and decisive role in preventing the Quartet from making these declarations. We want to praise the Russian position, and thank its Foreign Minister, for his support of the Palestinians.”

The next two stories are firmly in the category of "the decline of America":

15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Become So Desperate

More Americans than ever are desperate for money and many of them will do just about anything to get it. The crumbling U.S. economy has pushed millions of ordinary Americans to the brink of utter desperation.

In the United States today, we are actually witnessing the death of the middle class. Our jobs have been shipped overseas, the banks have enslaved us to debt, the government keeps finding more ways to tax us and the Federal Reserve keeps debasing our currency.

The system is dying and society is coming apart.

The only rational thing to do is to prepare for what is coming

How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses and National Wealth

Today, the U.S. government has surrendered massive amounts of economic sovereignty to global organizations such as the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank. The United States has also entered into a whole host of very damaging "free trade agreements" such as NAFTA that are costing our economy huge numbers of jobs.

Our politicians always promised us that globalism would bring us to a new level of prosperity, but instead that "giant sucking sound" that you hear is the sound of the U.S. economy being hollowed out.

That is exactly what the policies of the U.S. government have been doing for decades - they have been waging war on jobs.

Both political parties have been eagerly pushing us into a globalized economy. Both political parties have told us not to worry as thousands of businesses, millions of jobs and trillions of dollars have left the country.

This is Bohemian Grove week. More news will be coming out later in the week, as the meeting has just started:

Anonymous Targets Secret Meeting

Protesters Gather At Bohemian Grove

Brits to shut grid for solar flare

The British government has been warned that a massive surge of energy from the sun could hit the Earth in the next 18 months. In a worst-case scenario, it could blow out the national grid and leave parts of the country without electricity for months.

Scientists have warned that Britain could be disabled by a solar flare five times more powerful than one in 1989 that plunged six million people in Quebec into darkness and caused power disruption as far as California.

The next story is in the category of "unbelievable":

Religious Freedom Group Sues Perry Over Planned All-Day Prayer Event in Texas

A Wisconsin-based religious freedom group is suing Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a possible Republican presidential contender, in an effort to block his promotion of and participation in an all-day Christian prayer event to be held Aug. 6, arguing that it violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

The Freedom From Religious Foundation, which claims more than 16,000 members, including 700 in Texas, filed the federal lawsuit Wednesday in Houston, contending that Perry’s actions violate the Constitution's Establishment Clause by “giving the appearance that the government prefers evangelical Christian religious beliefs over other religious beliefs and non-beliefs.”

More trouble ahead for the Eurozone

EU finance ministers are hurrying to thrash out a new deal to rescue the Greek economy for a second time. But in the meantime, Athens' money woes are looking contagious. Italy is the latest European country whose financial stability is starting to wobble. As Europe's third largest economy, financiers are acting fast, in the knowledge that they simply can't afford to let Rome go under.

Gold price hits record high as eurozone woes spread across Atlantic

Panicky investors drove the price of gold to an all-time high yesterday, amid renewed fears for the future of the European and US economies and rumours that European finance ministers are set to call yet another crisis meeting this Friday, presumably to coincide with what are expected to be disappointing results from so-called "stress tests" on the strength of leading Italian, French and German banks.

The next three articles are under the category of "What is up with all of these sinkholes?"

Tarpon Springs homeowners wonder if homes will be swallowed by sinkhole

An engineering report on potential sinkhole activity in a Tarpon Springs neighborhood has homeowners wondering if their homes are going to be swallowed by the earth.

The Geotechnical Engineering Services Report commissioned by the city, following a sinkhole June 16, found "the subsurface soils ... are indicative of potential sinkhole activity." It means a city park and several surrounding homes are sitting atop ground that has voids in the subsurface that could collapse into a sinkhole.

Unstable sinkhole swallows Leesburg store

The sinkhole that swallowed up part of a building in downtown Leesburg is not stable yet.

Leesburg firefighters said the hole is about 70 feet wide. On top of taking out part of the building, it also took out part of Crosby Street, and caused a water main to burst. No other property has been damaged, and no one was hurt, but the city has set up a fence to keep people from going near it

Amazing - "Massive Growing Sinkhole" in Texas

Yellowstone Supervolcano Getting Ready to Blow Its Cork

Researchers report the super-volcano underneath the state of Wyoming has been rising at a record rate since 2004. Its floor has gone up three inches per year for the last three years indicating the fastest rate since records began in 1923

Satellite images acquired by ESA's ERS-2 revealed the recently discovered changes in Yellowstone's caldera are the result of molten rock movement 15 kilometres below the Earth's surface, according to a recent study published in Nature.

July 7-9: Comet Elenin Telescope Images

"In this video we show you the latest telescope images of C/2010 X1 comet Elenin, compared to Google Sky images. We also show you comet Elenin's path across the sky, over three days of imaging perio

The Video That Congress Does Not Want You To See

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