Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Large Earthquake Off New Zealand Coast

A large, 7.6 (it has also been called a 7.8) magnitude quake has struck just off New Zealand's coast - the Kermadec Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Earthquake of 7.8 Magnitude off new Zealand Coast

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake struck at a shallow depth of 0.6 miles at about 7:03 am local time on Thursday (05:30 AEST).

The quake's epicenter was reportedly located 99 miles east of Raoul Island, one of New Zealand's Kermadec Islands, about 568 miles from the Tongan capital of Nuku'alofa.

Following the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for the Kermadecs, Tonga and New Zealand, adding that a tsunami measuring 2.2 feet was recorded at the Raoul Island.

"Sea level readings confirm that a tsunami was generated," the center said."This tsunami may have been destructive along coastlines of the region near the earthquake epicenter."

New Zealand has been hit by a series of powerful after shocks since February's deadly quake which devastated the country's second-largest city, Christchurch.

A 5.3 magnitude earthquake had struck North Island in central New Zealand on Tuesday. That quake was felt all across the country including capital Wellington.

Marine threat after massive Kermadecs quake

Civil Defence: Stay out of the water

There was also a 5.7 off the coast of Japan in addition to the usual smaller quakes seen around the world (earthquake map).

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