Jumat, 21 November 2014

Iran Continues Its Nuclear Weapons Work While The U.S. Pushes For A Deal

A Bad Deal Gets Worse -- Lee Smith, Weekly Standard

As we go to press, the White House has reportedly offered Iran a deal regarding its nuclear program, a framework agreement with details to be worked out in the coming months. However, even as the interim agreement is set to expire November 24, it seems the Iranians have not responded to the Obama administration’s offer. And why would they? The White House has made it clear it wants a deal more than the Islamic Republic does. Under the circumstances, why wouldn’t Tehran wait to see how many more U.S. concessions it can extract?

There appears to be compromise on a number of major issues, like the number of centrifuges Iran will be able to keep (around 5,000). Other details, like the pace of sanctions relief and addressing the possible military dimensions of the program, seem to be where the Iranians are trying to force the administration to bend. All we know for certain is that the Obama White House is a long way from where it was a year ago, and not in a good sense.

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My Comment: There is no reason for Iran to accept a nuclear deal right now .... their policy has always been the same .... delay and get more concessions .... and they have been very successful at it.  My prediction is that they will request (and get) another nuclear extension .... and they will continue to work on their nuclear weapons program .... Report: Iran Secretly Continuing Nuclear Weapons Work (Washington Free Beacon).

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