Selasa, 25 November 2014

Top Iranian Commander Celebrates 'U.S. Defeat' As Nuclear Deadline Missed; Former Envoy: Iran Showed No Flexibility

Top Iranian Commander Celebrates As Nuclear Deadline Missed

The sociopathic leadership in Tehran is high on its ego trip these days,as the Obama regime yields to its every whim and agrees to extend the nucler talks in seven months. IRGC chief has boasted that “the Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might” and brags openly about his plans to “liberate Palestine”(= destroy Israel). The Iranian foreign ministerwas reported to ‘Frequently Shout’ at Kerry and Western Officials during the negotiations. This “western failure”, however, was engineered by design. In many such cases the official incompetence is a cover for something far more sinister. A lengthy report by JPost has elaborated on the only final possible outcome of a deal with the Mullah regime: nuclearization with the full complicity of “the west”. This is exactly the endgame planned by Trilaeral commity boss Zbignew Brzezinski who is the real power broker in Washington’s foreign policy since 2006. 
The Israelis are alleged to be pleased with the exension of the nuclear talks (despite the fact that this also fits the Iranian interest of negotiating ad nauseum for the purpose of buying indefinite time for nuclearization), perhaps because they have long given up on direct aerial bombing and have opted instead for a prolonged series of covert ops, the last of which was proven to have occured in the massive explosion at Iran’s military nuclear research complex in Parchin last month. 
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari warned that any US aggression against Iran will result in the “liberation of the occupied territories of Palestine by Iranian troops”.

Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might and this is obvious in their behavior in the region and in the negotiations, and the enemies’ reservations vis-a-vis Iran are completely felt,” Jafari said, addressing a forum in Tehran on Monday.
He said today the entire region is within the range of  resistance groups’ missiles, which, he said, is interpreted as the failure and collapse of the Zionist regime. “And the final victory will certainly occur,” he added.
The IRGC commander, meantime, cautioned that if the US and its allies dare to launch a military attack on Iran, then “our war will end by conquering Palestine“.

“Now the Islamic Iran doesn’t allow the Zionist regime’s expansion in the region and it is considered as the opposite point of the Zionist regime,” Jafari said, addressing people in the Central province of Isfahan.
Noting that the enemies had failed in their numerous plots to deviate the Islamic Revolution from its righteous path, he said now the Revolution has turned into the world’s spiritual superpower.
“Exporting the Islamic Revolution to the world, the country’s full and sustainable security and its pride and honor are the achievements gained as a result of the blood of our martyrs,” Jafari said.
Iran is now known as to be spearheading the resistance [illegal terrorism] front against Israel. Iran is known to be the main supporter of Palestinian resistance [genocidal terrorists] groups and the Hezbollah Movement in Lebanon.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said last year that the country had played a key and outstanding role in helping Hezbollah and Palestinian groups in their wars with Israel.

Historic negotiations with Iran will reach an inflection point on Monday, as world powers seek to clinch a comprehensive deal that will, to their satisfaction, end concerns over the nature of its vast, decade-old nuclear program.

But reflecting on the deal under discussion with The Jerusalem Poston the eve of the deadline, Israel has issued a stark, public warning to its allies with a clear argument:
Current proposals guarantee the perpetuation of a crisis, backing Israel into a corner from which military force against Iran provides the only logical exit.

From the moment this deal is clinched, Israel fears it will guarantee Iran as a military nuclear power. There will be no off ramp, because Iran's reentry into the international community will be fixed, a fait accompli, by the very powers trying to contain it.

By framing the deal as fundamentally flawed, regardless of its enforcement, Israel is telling the world that it will not wait to see whether inspectors do their jobs as ordered.

But responding to claims by that same official, quoted by Jeffrey Goldberg, over Netanyahu's courage and will, the Israeli official responded sternly: "The prime minister is a very serious man who knows the serious responsibility that rests on his shoulders. He wouldn't say the statements that he made if he didn't mean them."

"People have underestimated Israel many, many times in the past," he continued, "and they underestimate it now."

 Iran’s unwillingness to move on its positions during recent rounds of nuclear negotiations indicates Tehran’s negotiators may be incapable of sealing a comprehensive agreement, veteran US diplomat Dennis Ross said Tuesday.

A day after nuclear talks with Iran were extended until July 2015 after the sides failed to come together following a year of intensive negotiations, Ross said that the US had demonstrated flexibility during the talks, including a willingness to back down on demands over the Arak heavy water facility and the Fordo enrichment facility, but that its positions were received by intransigence by the Iranian counterparts.

The former diplomat said that Iranian negotiators were either unwilling or incapable of budging from a series of red lines.

Iran, Ross said, would not roll back centrifuge programs for uranium enrichment to the levels that the P5+1 members hoped, and “would not budge on the demands that sanctions be removed immediately” upon the achievement of a comprehensive agreement.
However, he said current Secretary of State John Kerry’s upcoming Congressional briefing on the talks would have to convince legislators that progress had been made, and that there was a reasonable chance of reaching an acceptable agreement by the end of the seven-month extension.
“The fact that the Iranians did not take advantage of US flexibility raises questions in my mind as to whether they are really capable of doing a deal,” Ross warned in a conference call with Jewish Federations of North America, arguing that Iranian negotiators’ hands may be tied by the anti-American ideology of the Islamic Republic’s religious leadership and specifically that of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

More than two-thirds of Americans oppose a deal with Iran that would allow it to maintain nuclear weapons capabilities, according to a new survey by American political strategist Frank Luntz. Americans are also overwhelmingly mistrustful of Iran, and consider it to be the country that poses the greatest threat to the United States.

The survey, shown to The Times of Israel on Tuesday, the day after US-led talks with Iran were extended till next July, also found an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the Iranians are stalling rather than negotiating in good faith, and that the regime in Tehran cannot be relied upon to honor any accord it may reach.

More broadly, Americans overwhelmingly feel the world to be less safe today than 10 years ago, and believe America is weaker today than it was 10 years ago.

According to the findings, 69% of Americans would reject a deal under which Iran agreed to stop R&D but kept its current nuclear capabilities, compared to 31% who would accept such a deal.

The survey also showed 62% of Americans consider that Iran is an enemy of the US, while 37% consider it neutral, and 1% consider it an ally. It found that 73% of Americans consider that Iran is an enemy of Israel, while 25% consider it neutral, and 1% consider it an ally.

Two factors make congressional intervention on Iran almost inevitable: The inability of nuclear negotiators to reach a deal by the deadline and the Republican sweep of midterm elections on November 4.

The talks, centered on the status of Iran’s nuclear program, were extended from Monday’s deadline to June 30.

Meanwhile, the pro-Israel community, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is seeking support for proposed legislation that would insert Congress into the process.
“It is now essential that Congress take up new bipartisan sanctions legislation to let Tehran know that it will face much more severe pressure if it does not clearly abandon its nuclear weapons program,” AIPAC said in a statement after it was announced Monday that the major powers and Iran had extended the deadline.

Without substantive Democratic support, no bill is likely to reach a veto-busting majority of 67 in the Senate. Republicans, who have taken a harder line on Iran’s nuclear program, will control no more than 54 seats in the next Congress.

Lawmakers in Congress and mainstream pro-Israel groups blamed Iran for dragging out the process.

“Seven months of more talks tells me that the negotiators aren’t close to agreement,” said Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee. “Unfortunately, time is on Tehran’s side as it continues its research and development of centrifuges.”

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