Kamis, 27 November 2014

Islamic State War News Updates -- November 27, 2014

Syrian Regime Bombards Islamic State Stronghold -- Wall Street Journal

Many Civilians Killed, Say Activists and Residents

BEIRUT—Syrian warplanes pounded the northern city of Raqqa, a stronghold of extremist group Islamic State, killing dozens of people, according to residents and antigovernment activists.

The U.S.-led coalition conducting airstrikes on Islamic State in Syria and Iraq has also attacked Raqqa as recently as Monday, showing how Western interests are aligning with those of President Bashar al-Assad ’s regime on at least one front in the multisided Syrian civil war.

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Islamic State War News Updates -- November 27, 2014

Syria Bombs Islamic-State Held Raqqa, Killing at Least 95 -- Bloomberg
Syria regime raids on Islamic State 'capital' kill 95 -- AFP
Syria airstrikes kill 95 in ISIS stronghold, report says -- CNN
Video Shows Body Bags and Carnage in the Streets of Raqqa After Syrian Government Airstrikes -- VICE
Syria: Strikes on 'Islamic State' in Raqqa kill dozens -- Deutsche Welle
US 'Horrified' at Syrian Government Bombing Raids -- VOA
US ‘horrified’ by Syrian regime raids, slams Assad -- AFP

Islamic State targeted in 17 air strikes by U.S., allies -- Reuters
US air strikes in Syria driving anti-Assad groups to support Isis -- The Guardian
Iraqi forces battle Islamic State jihadists in Ramadi, Kirkuk -- AFP
Kurdish forces kill tens of ISIS foreign fighters near Mosul dam -- Rudaw
Kurdish forces cite U.S. support is defeat of ISIL forces in Mosul -- World Tribune

ISIS Kidnaps Iraqi Defence Minister’s Family, Executes Female Parliament Candidates -- IBTimes
Islamic State: With incentives and brute force, terror group subdues tribes -- Washington Times
Islamic State destroys historic church in Mosul -- Christian Today
Islamic State imposes a reign of fear in Iraqi hospitals -- Washington Post
Islamic State attacks Iraqi border crossing with Jordan -- Long War Journal

Muslim MP: 2000 Britons fighting for Islamic State -- The Telegraph
Islamic State has lured 550 Germans into fighting: spy agency -- Reuters
Christian militia fights Islamic State in northern Syria -- Deutsche Welle
Our flag shall fly over Jerusalem, Islamic State says -- i24

A-10s deployed to take on the Islamic State -- Stars and Stripes
The A-10 fighter jet will launch airstrikes against the Islamic State -- Washington Post
Pentagon ready to supply $1.6B in chemical warfare gear to Iraqi and Kurdish forces in fight vs. ISIS -- FOX News
US State Dep't Approves $800 Million Deal to Support Iraq Transport Planes -- Sputnik

There might be more than 200 female foreign militants in Syria. Are they victims or criminals? -- Washington Post
The Islamic State’s Stalled Offensive in Anbar Province -- Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, War On the Rocks
The Islamic State Reshapes the Middle East Political Map -- Value Walk
The Islamic State's Terrifying Strategy -- David Ignatius, Real Clear Politics

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